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Everything posted by shimmy

  1. Fun food for thought and this definitely adds to more questions, but here is an article of a guy catching an 18 pound 8 ounce bass which would be bigger than Texas's state record. But i do agree, there are parts of Texas and California where there is a high abundance of large fish. Georgia aint nobody's fool though. http://www.gon.com/article.php?id=2039&show=articleimages
  2. Aside from Texas, California, and Florida, I'd say many if not most of the big bass posts i have seen on this site are from Georgia. You are sitting in a gem, don't be so quick to admire or seek the grass on the other side of the fence. There is a reason the world record was caught in Georgia. There are a ton of BIG bass in the 10+ range. Additionally, Texas's sharelunker program has yet to completely yield the results they have planned on due to the early stages its in. Time will tell. Texas is just a good climate, just like Georgia. Especially southern Georgia where you are catching those nice bass in the flooded timber lakes like the PFA.
  3. Great thread Hootie. My name came from my stomping days playing college football at BYU as a wide receiver (terrible catching ability i must say though!). I was always a running back throughout high school and junior college and then Bronco Mendenhall tried to convert me to a wide receiver and i was quick, great at football, but horrendous as a wide receiver! It is NOT for everyone at the division one level, much easier to catch the ball in junior college i must say. That's my story and i am sticking to it. Anywho, i came up with some funny juking moves in the beginning of practice and made funny names for each move such as the shake'n'sheide, the sheidelight, and the shimmy. The shimmy involved a bobble head move that always got the coach yelling at me when i was not taking my warmups seriously. If any of you get bored and want to see a funny song skit i created for Bronco Mendenhall and being on the scout team early on, here is a link. Shake'n'bake
  4. I know i am seeing a lot of responses with clear water being an indicator of going thin line and the opposite for dark and night. But one factor to keep in mind, even in California with many clear lakes, some fisherman swear that a thin line finesse setup is essential to catching fish; however, swimbait fisherman are using 20-25 pound mono line and rest assured there is nothing thin about that. And it seems to me, more monster bass are being caught on a consistent basis in these very clear waters with 20-25 pound mono on a swimbait than on finesse. Like some have said, maybe it does matter on certain days and particular lures. Be willing to experiment on the water.
  5. Ha, well that just means you got to put your time into it and you'll get there. We all can't be world champs.
  6. C'mon Dwight, you can't write a buildup of such describing your day, display the big bass, and not discuss the weight of your new girlfriend you're holding.
  7. What a great video, definitely enjoyed it. Hope you post more.
  8. I understand that many say they are self taught and i had the compulsion to write that as well. I think it is important to note that there is a difference from being self-taught and studying fishing techniques and videos. I would assume there are very few if any that are actually self-taught in fishing. We have all been blessed to have learned from somewhere. This site serves to me as one of those places that unless you have actually been a member of it and participated and discussed topics over the years, you would have a difficult time understanding how much a site like this can teach you.
  9. The analogy was to point out the extremity of your position. Thanks for taking the "high road" as you mentioned...The main reason you got a rebuttal was due to your lack of high road linguistics calling fisherman on a fisherman's website "cheaters" and "dishonorable" for trying to catch a world record bass and claim it as so. Being a rational guy as you exclaim, just ponder on that and attempt to see why the replies on a fishing forum disagreed. As for trying to insult you and your veteran family, I'm surprised you took it that way. It was stated to illustrate the extremity of your argument. I applaud your patriotism, and did not intend to proclaim how unpatriotic you were; yet since you were offended in that manner, it was not my intention and i apologize. Given the circularity of this discussion, i agree with flyfisher that we will have to agree to disagree.
  10. Using the same logic, i am assuming you do not watch the olympics or cheer for America when they win a gold medal or set a world record since we are all immigrants. You are taking an extreme side and trying to call it "logic". I agree that if the breeding was taken to a complete new level, records would get hazy, but you are talking as if breeding has taken a completely new genetic mutation of craziness already. Regardless of where fish are transferred, it is the climate and forage that determines what makes a giant bass. Perry's fish may not have been 22 pounds anyways.
  11. you realize that it is not realistic what you are saying. Nothing is really native anymore. I guess everyone on this board who chases big bass or potential records have no "honor."
  12. Agree with Raul, if this is really bothering you, stop feeding a bass artificial lures in their natural habitat and yanking them from their home potentially shortening their longevity of life and/or eating habits in the future. There is absolutely no way that dropping a bass arm level is more damaging than the trauma forced on it with the hook set, battle, and suffocation out of the water. This may be the wrong sport for you if that causes you concern.
  13. My dad taught me how to jig fish. I still to this day find myself learning from him. Jig fishing has so many different levels of skill and every time i feel like i have really gotten the skill down, i find he has more to teach. Gotta love fishing.
  14. I tried as well, i just feel dumber afterwards. That was a bummer.
  15. no one is doubting fish fatten up for prespawn and put some weight. The claim of bass eating 4 pounds of shad a day was silly. Unless the person was referring to 18-20 pound bass that he catches frequently.
  16. Just checked out some of your prices, my goodness, there are some great deals out there. I will definitely bookmark your site. Thanks for the deals. Some of your items beat other prices of rods by at least 50 bucks. Very impressive.
  17. There is absolutely no way we have caught the biggest swimming bass in the world. That should be obvious. The record will be broke several times. I think the world record will settle around 28-30 pounds one day. Like others have said, several fish have been caught close to the world record mark and many bass have been sighted by big time bass chasers that are supposedly that big as well. We like to reverence records and give it the awe feel where it seems larger than life, but as history and Dottie has pointed out, there are bigger bass out there. Just which country is going to catch it first.
  18. Fishing slow with a jig. Doesn't matter time of day or year, the jig is my little buddy.
  19. Gonna depend on the brand name of the rods you are thinking about. Maybe more information could help since certain medium heavys would be perfect while other heavys would be better. Plus are you using thin or heavy wired hooks?
  20. Dead River, great bass, goodness man. So impressive. Where abouts are you fishing in Georgia?
  21. Big O, amazing as always. Question, are you catching these bass in the same lake up in Texas? What area do you fish? Do you rotate between lakes or do you find more success on one particular lake?
  22. Thanks for clarifying, my point was that even with arm extension pictures, sometimes the hand to mouth ration keeps the weight of the fish honest. Thus the OP about this 11 pound bass could be debunked just by that ration alone. That was a great photo shop job by the way. It's unfortunate that that is possible. Should be a crime (not against you) but to those who do it seriously. Life term sentence.
  23. Something is fishy there...Your hand in the picture trying to make the bass look big could easily fit in the mouth of that bass, however, on the profile pic, there is no way your hand would even come close to fitting...Regardless if the arm is extended or not, it should make no difference with hand to mouth ratio. Something seems fishy. If you didn't tamper with the photo in any way, than i might be taking crazy pills which is still a viable option.
  24. Wayne P. should pipe in. He spends a lot of time studying it and fishing the changing conditions.
  25. Always enjoy these threads. I have nothing original but would state what i have found in this specific order: 1. Fish big fish waters 2. Put time on the waters 3. Learn to fish structure I would assume we all have a long way to go on the last one.
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