Decided to go camping to a new area this weekend. We picked a beautiful area that had two lakes that were part of the campgrounds. One of the lakes seemed to be more of a musky lake and was small, so I was not feeling that for bass fishing. Decided to hit the other lake (Cox Hollow Lake), which turns out to be a trolling motor only lake. Fished half a day yesterday and half a day today to give it a shot and see if I could get lucky with anything. Little did I know that this had a million kayakers out there. I swear, it was a Monday and there were still sooooo many people out there...Could always be worse though. Half the fisherman on the lake were panfishing so it did not bother me much. But, there was some zigging and zagging to hit new spots. I ended up doing well both days. First day, did not catch as many due to fishing a lot of unproductive shoreline. Second day, pinpointed the bite a little better and caught some good fish. I had tried slow and light jigs, but was getting more bites with a heavier jig with more movement, so I stuck with that the rest of the trip.
Altogether, top 5 fish combining yesterday and today puts me over 21 lbs. Caught one 4 and a half pounder and was excited to get her, but then later on in the day caught a GIANT! I was hitting a shallow cove that had a deeper pocket/crater (14 feet) surrounded by 6-9 feet. It seemed like a place a bigger fish should be, but so did many other places on this small lake. I got a little tap on the jig, missed it, she came back again and set the hook into a tank. I was not expecting the weight of the fish and the battle caught me off guard. She was almost 7 pounds and almost 23 inches.
I understand sharing this information does not benefit me and will bring more pressure to certain waters, but my hope with such a thread is that someone who is struggling on the water and wants recommendations of what to use and where to go, that this can provide some direction. Here are the two biggest of the day, tight lines. If anyone has any recommendations for new lakes to explore, just let me know!