Hey all, long time jig fisherman but am continually learning and having some occasional stumps. Asking longtime jig connoisure. Recently hit a lake in Lousiana (Bussey Brake) where there were bass in the prespawn and spawn. Water was murky, low visibility, and filled with timber. Like fishing in the woods. For the first time, fishing the jig did terrible for me. Talking to one of the locals, they stated that the jig bite was no longer on and was only working during the prespawn. Luckily we did adapt and I was able to stick a nice one on plastics. Nevertheless, it left me confused. The lake is definitely pressured, but given the structure, it can accommodate it. So I am trying to run through some theories here. Something pressured, i understand downsizing. Clear water and pressured, i understand downsizing and even going for plastics instead. However, this lake was very murky and filled with great cover. This lake produces very low numbers on average and I understand that, but the jig bite was basically non-existant compared to other methods. Help this young grasshopper with some feedback. Why now is the bite died down as opposed to prespawn? Jig in murky cover has always beaten plastics for me. But not this time and it seemed like it was not a fluke per the locals. Thoughts?