i'm not on the boards a lot anymore, so, i don't get into the "i like shimano,,, no, i like daiwa ,,,no, it's gotta be pfleuger, etc., etc.,,," Observations.
i have mulltiple shimano calais, metanium xt, chronarchh 50mg, sustain, stradic, & stella, reels.
i've had ONE (!) bad bearing on a chronarch 50 mg & really, i'm kinda glad i did. when i changed the bearing in it, i decided to upgrade the bearings in all of my reels.
i was fishing earlier this week & absolutely was just amazed at how well they work. ..slick like glass, smooth as silk.
now, i keep all my reels cleaned/lubed & keep fresh line on them ....and, believe me, it's worth every moment of time. the absolute pleasure you get while fishing with quality equipment that works as it should.
i'm sorry all of you don't have the same results with your equipment, but, as far as i'm concerned, shimano makes the best reel(s) in the world.
oh, btw, if i had bought all daiwa reels & had taken the same kind of care with them, i'm sure i'd be singing the praises of daiwa about now. we're all blessed to have the quality equipment we have to pursue our hobby of fishing.
hope you catch a "good 'ol big 'un"