Hello All,
I'm new to the site and really impressed at the amount of information here. I've been bass fishing since 1994 and bought my first (and only) bass boat in May 1996. In 1998 I went back to college and needless to say my fishing time became short. I got my 4 year degree in 2003 and started fishing again off and on, but in 2006 I went back to school for my masters. Boat sat outside with a ripped up cover and in 2008 when I finished school again (for the last time!) it was pretty beat up. Well, my oldest son, who is an infantry officer in the U.S. Army and was deployed to Afghanistan in December 2008, called home one day and said that when he comes home for his mid-deployment leave he wanted to go bass fishing. So that was enough for me to get a couple of my buddies together and we got the boat up and running just in time to take him fishing when he came home on leave last week. We had a great time and I didn't realize how much I missed being out on the water. He goes back to Afghanistan next week so we're going to be getting out as much as we can.
I mostly fish in the local canals, Everglades, and Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Looking to go back up to Okeechobee and some of the other lakes in the area. Definitely not going to let all the work on the boat go to waste. I'm looking forward to catching up on new techniques and equipment. Thanks and take care. (Sorry for a long post)