Hi everyone
I didn't know what forum to sign up for, so I guess this one will have to do with my antics...
I've Been Fishing since i was 5years old? stopped when i was 13 years old (hook/worm and a package of green pumpkin tubes)
Now I got back into it just over a month a go, i'm now 25 and couldn't believe how much things have changed... what got me back into it? i really don't know i saw a couple of friends fishing but i thought nah maybe i don't want to spend the money on it... that all changed when i randomly won a couple hundred on a slot machine :-? just before a group camping trip which a bunch of the guys were planning on fishing... for the trip i did research and picked up an Abu Garcia Soron STX40 its been great! caught a well fed pike and only had to struggle trying to reel and tighten the drag...
as for rods i still don't know whats the best rod in north america... i can't find a carrot stick anywhere locally? i tried the entire line of st croix rods but still don't feel like paying the premium for something that feels like my lightning rod or my girlfriends lightning rod shock but not sure if its going to matter a few days a go i picked up an Abu Garcia Black Max combo baitcaster, it is my first baitcaster and so far so good... after reading everywhere practice is the only way to get it right...
i currently do not own a boat as my current vehicle was not designed to tow anything >
and now my drama question
I don't understand is up with flurocarbon? i'm sorry i'm a firm believer in mono and braid... (currently using power pro never had a problem) i tried all the different types of fluro only for it to fail.. (yes i've spooled line more in a week than people spool in 2 years)
CLIFFS: wall of text, likes fishing and catching various fish, does not have the vehicle ability to tow a boat... does not like flurocarbon