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  1. Just in case i was misinterpreted. the destruction of wildlife comment is not to infer in any way that I'm against hunting and fishing. Quite the opposite!! I was merely pointing out the infraction of the law. I'm not sure of the correct wording but to kill a game animal and waste it is a pretty serious offense in Wyoming.
  2. Something that nobody has commented on....the legal issue. I believe that to put a fish back that will obviously not recover is something on the order of destruction of wildlife. Just saying other wildlife need to eat is an unacceptable solution. in my opinion, how you explain it to your kids is up to you, but the lesson to teach is responsibility for game and if your hunting and fishing, that is your responsibility.
  3. thanks Steve..I might tear into it tonite....see what makes it tick.....I haven't found a list for all those part #'s yet....
  4. Those guys are really lucky they didnt get a ticket for not having a trout stamp!!!! lmao
  5. not sure on the brake...Ive been researching. Have found schematics for about 4000 other reels but not that one!!!
  6. I have to agree with ya mctech.....did okay Saturday...tried it out again Sunday.....and made the fatal mistake of trying to reach out there a little further. cast too hard and backlashed. It wouldnt come out easy so I put er down grabbed old reliable spinning rod and caught some fish!!! LOL I will not give up. but Im not wasting valuable time on the water untangling a reel. At least its only tangled back to the tape I put on......
  7. So trial run on the water...cast out as far as I could then let some more line out trolling. put a piece of masking tape on the reel. Worked great. i got the tension set just right and it cast out further than the tape i put on...pretty smooth action...didnt catch any fish on that setup, but we did limit out on rainbows..couldnt get any bass to bite, but it was a good day!!
  8. Well we are going to try the new reel tomorrow. I think im going to try a suggestion I read on here. let out a little more line than I can cast and put tape over the spool so it wont all unravel. I'll let you know how it goes!!
  9. I bought the 5600BCX...not the best model but they make I'm sure, but it seems smooth, and it was about $60. My neighbor recommended it. He has one 20 yrs old that he still uses....
  10. Well I finally did it...got an Abu Garcia Ammbassadeur reel. Sppoled her up with some 12# Berkely Trilene, put a weight on her, set the tension, and took her out in the street to try it out.....man that thing casts a long way!!!! Love it.... for the first 4 casts......then I forgot to keep my thumb down!!! dang it!!! worst birds nest Ive ever seen!! First I cussed...then I laughed.......It was so bad I had to unwind and cut the whole spool off!!! Hopefully I have learned...and better to learn that lesson on the street instead of on the water. But I appreciate all the advice I've read on here...and I will persevere in this endeavor!!!! LOL
  11. A full tank of gas condensates a lot less than 1/2 tank or less I try to keep mine full or close to it all the time...fill it up when I get back to town. My boat sat all winter with a full tank and a little bit of stabilizer.....fired off the second crank a couple weeks ago...It doesnt cost any more to run on the top half of the tank and a lot fewer problems.
  12. I emailed Trackermarine asking for info on my 99 Pro deep V-17. They sent original brochure, (not really a manual, but good info) and diagrams for accessory harness, trolling harness, instrument harness, and stereo wiring harness. They also gave me the weight for the trailer used for that model.
  13. If you are testing wires from the trailer to the vehicle....take a jumper cable or or wire with alligator clips. hook on trailer frame where it will get a good connection, then hook on truck frame where it will get a good connection. this will insure a good ground connection between the two while you're testing wires. not much more aggravating then to test all the wires, unhook a bunch of stuff to find out your ground wasn't adequate.
  14. Try unplugging them before u put trailer in the water and leave them unplugged until u have loaded the boat and are ready to take off....I bet it will help your situation. I don't know if everybody practices this ritual, but thats the way i was taught and I havent had any trouble with blowing bulbs. Good luck
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