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Everything posted by landingcrew

  1. oh crap i just noticed the identifier i had on the fish. is that going to be a problem? all of the photos have that in there. if its a bad thing i can remove it. mark
  2. so i went to my local haunt to try out some new senko's and buzzbaits, hit a few small 12 and 15 inch fish on buzzbaits. got to a point with a secondary that has the wind beating straight onto the point so i went to work using the buzzbait, after about a dozen casts started to get slightly frustrated due to the fact my kayak was getting blown into the area i was focusing on. Right as i was going to reset myself, an anvil drops out of the sky and... i miss him. so i immediately throw my senko at the spot and immediately watch my line start moving very unnaturally. i set the hook, and bring in my P.b. 21.5 inch hog, my best guess is he ways around 5 lbs. more to come soon.
  3. the shad run is on in the chick, gotta get into the small feeder creeks and run a small crank through there, or a buzzbait on top to get the toilet bowl flush affect. but there are no fish in the paddies, also there not hitting frogs, so dont bother 8-)
  4. if yall were floating the james between bremo and columbus on the 3rd of october, you would see the flotilla of kayakers slaying the smallies. gotta love the floaters ;D
  5. Hello I am mark, and I am addicted to kayaking for bass. I have had this addiction now for about 6 months, fishing for bass that is, before that it was saltwater species from San Diego to the Chesapeake Bay, all from a kayak. I have a wilderness systems Ride 135, and it is propelled by a 6' 255 pound non-active marine and ham sandwiches. I have fished the James River for smallmouth bass, briery, sandy, smith, chickohominy, diuscund, bradford, and some private ponds. If anyone has anyquestions about kayaking let me know and am pleased to be apart of a knowledge based website like this. Thank you for your time. mark, the freak in the kayak
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