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Brendan Duffy

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  • Location
    Long Island, New York

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  1. How about muddy water?
  2. Anyone know where I can send my reel to be cleaned? I don't trust myself to do it. How long is the turn around and how much does it cost? Thanks.
  3. Jason Aldean is the absolute man. Also check out Jamey Johnson if you havent yet. You wont be dissapointed.
  4. OH MY WORD! One every 1.5 hours! It's funny because my bass fishing world is no where near this productive and I still find myself enthralled by it.
  5. Sweet vid whats your setup?
  6. This is probably a really stupid question and I know there are so many variables and factors that must be considered. But I am wondering how rare or common it is to catch a 5lb. bass. When you fish and catch a five pounder how big of a deal is it? Do you go beserk? Or is it somewhat expected when you head out to fish? I know its a hard question to answer, all I ask for is your opinion or thoughts.
  7. Is a 500 size spinning reel too small for largemouth bass fishing? I'm looking to get into an ultralight setup and am trying to pick between a 500 and 1000 size reel.
  8. Hey guys, Looking to buy a light tackle setup for largemouth bassin'. Budget is not a concern as of right now. Preferably a spinning outfit, but if casting fits the ticket fire away. Thanks. -Brendan
  9. No haha I was just trying to think of a catchy title ;D
  10. I wish... I just got back from fishing and was trying to catch this nice sized bass that was sitting atop a submerged branch. He wouldnt touch my spinnerbait or worm even when i flipped it right on his back. I'd swim my bait right past him/her and it wouldnt bite. I proceeded to do this for a while, maybe 30 minutes or so...could i have caught this bass?
  11. Anyone use these spinnerbaits?
  12. I'd be interested to know how many of you guys fish ponds versus big lakes or reservoirs? I fish ponds and small reservoirs, but I especially like the ponds. I find pond fishing very fun, relaxing, intimate...
  13. That seems very practical to me. Just makes sense.
  14. For instance, I have some curados mounted on some cumaras. They are great combinations, but I don't necessarily see the sense in spending so much money on this type of equipment. I can see myself fishing citicas on bps rods just as easily.
  15. Would you rather have less more expensive rods and reels, or more less expensive rods and reels?
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