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Everything posted by central.PA.bass

  1. my first baitcaster was a Revo STX.. they have them on sale right now at *** and susquehanna fishing tackle have them and the revo S on sale too..
  2. If you are looking for a deadly combo i would go with Revo S paired w/ a BPS Bionic Blade.. 7' MH.. the reel has a 6:4:1 gear ratio which is a very versatile gear ratio.. Bass pro shops has a combo listed on their website... just go to freshwater fishing then rod and reel combos.. its listed there.. I personally own 3 Revos.. i have 2 in the STX and 1 S... I will never own another brand of reels.. as for the rod, if you read this and many other forums, you see nothing but praise for the "bang for your buck" of the Bionic Blades... I personally do not own one but for $169 i believe it is hard to beat that combo...
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