Hi all
Seems to be the right place to get answers. So if you don't mind a quick question that would be great.
I have a 2000 nitro CDC 911 with a 36 volt system on board, (225 EFI).
I seam to be killing batteries like there going out of style.
I was wondering if I have this thing wired up right.
3 batteries. all in series. with the trolling motor feeding off all three.
The engine/live wells ect feeding off of one. and the third with nothing feeding off of it.
The batteries in question are 2 under a year old and one purchased this year to replace one that failed. Today I go out on the water get to my fav hole and wamo my Maxim 101 at a setting of 100 thrust acting like 20 thrust. Tell tale sign that I have a problem. Take it home. Pull the batteries and hook them up to my in house 3 bank charger and 1 reading no life. This battery was bought last year. Am I doing something wrong here? Or do I have just great luck with batteries?
Batteries are Interstate Marine Deep Cycles
Thanks in advance.