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Chaz Hickcox

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Everything posted by Chaz Hickcox

  1. Thanks to you! It's really good to know the last ten years have not gone without notice from all y'all. I do want to say one thing though, we do a job and you all thank us for it. There is an entire generation of guys from Vietnam who fought harder than we have and did not recieve their dues during that time. So in the spirit of making up for the lack of respect for them back when- THANK YOU VIETNAM VETS! Without your hard fought lessons learned we wouldn't be half as good as we are now. It's your lessons that we apply that have saved our lives.
  2. basscatownersboard.yuku.com See for yourself.
  3. Sell the boat and get a new one. That's what I did when my motor blew, and I will never second guess that choice.
  4. I'm impressed. I've had the fiberglass fenders break apart on HMMWVs (Hummers) at retarded times. Of course that was just during regular use. When they shatter because they get shot or shrapnel tear them up it's somewhat to be expected.
  5. Well they can't control the independently owned dealerships, but the whole 'we'll look at it' is strange. However there is the whole fiberglass warranty thing that should probably kick in. Something about a lifetime transferrable warranty that says they will likely take care of that, as long as they can determine your agent did not run into anything or hit it with anything.
  6. Clearly you know your stuff. Those look d@$# good. Just curious, how do they hold up to the bumps and nudges during the races?
  7. It's not new, but a 2004 model Pantera IV. For $18,000 this is an awesome ride. The only complaints I have are half of the electronics are old and the previous owner was a pain in the butt as far as getting the paperwork for the trailer taken care of, and there are some cosmetic issues (paint scratches) because of hard use by the previous owner in tournaments. Good notes: Trailer was built for the rig by BassCat (not FOR BassCat by another company). Smooth/Solid Ride. Comfortable large seating area. I am 6'1" and almost have too much room at the helm, almost.
  8. 1993 Javelin 379 DC with a 1993 Johnson 150 Silverstar Series. I bought it in 2009 and ran it until the motor blew.
  9. So you're saying I have low expectations? Not at all. Realistic expectations is more like it. It was intended as a compliment about Cat customers. Some folks buy a Nitro and expect it to be like a Cat or a Skeeter. Guess what? They will not be satisfied, will they? Realistic expectations gets you the customer service of many of the other companies, Ranger has decent customer service (friends who own them) and so does Skeeter. However, what about a company that literally goes out of the way to make sure their customers' well being is taken care of? Treating customers like family is not a 'realistic expectation', but they do it. Like I said before, one does not even have to buy a new boat or even from a dealer to be accepted into the 'family', just have a Cat. 1971 or 2011 models the BassCat owner is personally taken care of by the company staff for any situation. It is not about realistic expectations, but surreal customer service.
  10. So you're saying I have low expectations? My 'low expectations' are the product has to be dependable, if I have an issue it is resolved to the highest degree possible, and my boat's performance will outlast any other boat I may have chosen to invest in. If anyone knows anything about fiberglass then they would know that the resin and processes used by Ron and Rick Pierce make the finest ALL FIBERGLASS construction of any boat. I do not have low expectations, sir, in fact many of my Marines and friends would complain that my expectations of everything is way to HIGH. You should really think about what you are saying.
  11. Hey, gotta argue the Cats man. They are all hand built in Mountain Home, Arkansas. Allison is nice, but I don't find them to have the same fishability. However, the largest point is, BassCat or Allison - THEY BOTH ARE HAND MADE IN AMERICA!
  12. February 12, 2009 Miami, Florida Miami International Boat Show J.D. Power and Associates presentations This morning in Miami, Bass Cat Boats was awarded it's fifth (5th) consecutive J.D. Power and Associates award, for Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Fiberglass Bass Boats 2009. The award extends a five (5) season run by Bass Cat in the J.D. Power and Associates study, beginning with 2005, and now into 2009. Receiving this prestigious award in Miami were Rick Pierce and Stuart Malone, Production Manager of Bass Cat Boats. Rick's (Pierce) comment: Over the past (5) five years we have been humbled by this study. It is overwhelming that our BCB owners have such a positive view of our product. We are extremely dedicated to that Bass Cat Family, and along with that are the Bass Cat dealers, and the Staff of the Bass Cat. They all are what make this award possible for those mentioned. This award it truly shared by all. Comment from Stuart Malone expressed deep appreciation and that this award recognizes 37 ½ years of dedication and customer service by our staff. I can honestly say customer service at Bass Cat has always been number one to us. Rick added: these are very difficult times for our nation, and especially our industry. While we do not feel that this yet matches the times experienced in 1981 and 1982, or the 1970's Arab Embargo, they are definitely the third most challenging times we have seen, going into our 38th year. These times should make us better, better at what we do, and better prepared for the next downturn. We know through our experience, that customer service and quality product are the most important. And finally, Thank you to J.D. Power and Associates for this study, which influences us to strive and improve. Bass Cat Boats is an independently owned and operated company founded by Ron & Jan Pierce in 1971. Now into it's 38th year, commitment to it's dealers and owners is a longstanding tradition with Bass Cat. Ron Pierce began his roots on small wooden boats in the mid 50's, which he built in high school. The receipt of this award for the fifth time is the most received by any bass boat company, in the study and only one (1) award per category is presented. For further information, contact Bass Cat Boats at 870-481-5135 or, Gary Gould, Gould Design Associates at 501-835-7180. Details as Shown on the JD Powers site in PDF format which provides "the numbers:" http://www.jdpower.com/Boats/ratings/bass-boat-ratings BASS CAT BOATS!!!! Smoothest, driest, and most solid of all the rides I have been on. I have been on all the major brands, Triton, Ranger, Skeeter and Champion in the last few years and I have to attest that BassCat Boats are the peak of everything you would want. In addition to this their business is the MOST customer friendly of ANY business I have ever been a customer of. I didn't even buy my Pantera IV from a dealer, but they still treat me as if I did. What other boat company has a 24 hour a day sight just like this one for support from the staff, Rick Pierce (The Owner of BassCat), or other owners. I don't care what the deal is, I will never buy another brand. Top notch company, also the only one still owned by the founders who founded it in 1971! I love my Pantera IV for it's 19'5" size and its fishability. Other good options are the Puma FTD, Cougar FTD, or the Eyra. Also, they use as much as they can of 100% of AMERICAN Made Products.
  13. Okay...Advice from the designer and owner is a whole different story...Stinger hook from now on! 8-) Well, dang if Bobby didn't set me straight, but three trailers chained together!? That's a little much. Point taken though. Looks like my little red stingers for my spinnerbaits is going on that Cavitron.
  14. Cavitron dosnnt come in a 1/2oz. I believe you meant 3/8 oz. But you were correct on the black on black and that Cavitron are the best They used to, I have two that I bought in '09. Oh, and Ghost Minnow with Red Blade and Gold Blade with White/Chart skirt.
  15. So I had one of my club members show me his new Cavitron Buzz Bait that he is apparently the only dog in town using, and he has to have his stinger hook on it. I have been using them for a few years now. I tried to explain to him that I have never had a short strike on a Cavitron, mainly because of the elongated hook. He then looked at me like I grew an appendage out of my forehead and walked away saying something to the effect of his ten years in age on me. So now I am curious, do any of you use a stinger on your Cavitrons? RW, I know you're an aficionado, what say you?
  16. Ahh, you see this is where it get's subjective. I had three F-150's, 1997, 1999, and 2001. ALL THREE dropped their tranny's at 80,000 miles, and I am anal about regular maintenance and scheduled detailed maintenance. All three of my Silverados have not, but I am only at 45,000 with my current 2008. Who cares? Just buy AMERICAN, well as many of the parts as you can.
  17. Too many variables. What kind of boat? Prop pitch, # of blades etc...?
  18. SO WEIRD!! SO AM I!!!
  19. I already started something like that. I have a dehumidifier kit for my hearing aid. I took the kit and sealed both of them in a plastic bag. I am going to see how well it works by tomorrow. If so I plan on duct taping the area around the card reader. Fingers crossed. I still need to sell one of my guns for the other unit though, or win a few tournaments.
  20. Thanks Tom. If push comes to shove and the unit is bad w/o warantee I will be switching to Humminbird all the way around. I wanted to get SI anyways and was planning the cheaper route of another HDS-7 for my console and an LSS-1. It will only be about $400 more than the HDS-7/LSS-1 Combo to get two Humminbirds.
  21. So I went fishing in the rain last Sunday and today had a tournament. Early in the tournament my HDS-7 crapped out. I thought it was a bad fuse but when I got home and took the unit off the boat to get to the fuse behind it I heard some sloshing from within the unit. With that being said, what can I do? I did not buy the unit, it was on my boat when I bought it last fall. Can they run the serial # to see if it's still under warrantee? Thanks in advance.
  22. Heavy Salt = Sink
  23. Do the blades spin? Does the skirt shimmy? If yes, then use it. Brand means nothing if those two questions are answered with 'yes'.
  24. I thought that too, until last weekend. I broke both of my Chart/Black and Foxy Mama Square Bills so all I had left was my Foxy Shad. I don't think I did as well as I could have with my chart lures, but I still caught fish.
  25. Deep Creek Lures soft plastics all float.
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