Catt -
Speaking of hooksets, I usually set harder when in a slump. If I go a few hours fishing a T-Rig or flipping a jig and get hit, Lord Almighty help the fish if it's a dink. It's usually then when I set the fish out of the water. I'm not having a huge issue catching fish, but putting good fish in the boat come tournament day. I haven't been skunked since this spring and my first time on the Patomac. With that being said, I can go out and put a number of four pounders in the boat during practice only to fall on my face in the tournament, in size that is. My tournament yesterday we still caught fish, but no keepers.
Thanks for the info though. I have been thinking about what I tell my students here at work, 'Go back to the basics and you will succeed.' Usually when they do that they pass their evaluations. I tell them to swing for the fences, but if that's not working to just keep it simple. It's a lot easier said then done. I guess everyone needs a reminder from time to time.
One difference may be when prefishing I am more inclined to thouroughly work an area because I don't have a time hack. I am more apt to use different techniques because there's nothing to lose. So with that being said I am more comfortable to think, what could be used differently here that is a simple adjustment. Not necessarily a change, but adjusting more efficiently.
Brian -
You're right too. Thanks.