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Dr Pigg

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Everything posted by Dr Pigg

  1. for me, it's once or twice a year when I'm fishing something that can hang up like a crank or swimbait-I'm reeling in---hang up hard--"sh_t"-- then alittle movement?-"Oh SH_T"---but, not that much pull, so my heart slows down...---then she comes up---"Have mercy----please don't come off"--- and it's a PIGG. Those are the moments I fish for.
  2. Roady--all your suggestions are good baits. The only thing I would add is the Bronzeye Frog. Early and late, or alot of cloud cover and slick water--they've been deadly. They are new to me this spring, and a no-brainer to fish!
  3. My suggestion.... go to tackle warehouse, Basstrix 6"(you'll see the bait is actually only 4.5"), Owner weighted Beast hooks w/ twistlock(6/0,1/4 oz.) and you pick the color. Great swimbait that I think can't be fished wrong. Begin fishing it SLOW, feeling the bottom or bumping objects. Hold on, bites will not be subtle. You will need some type hook remover,(needle nose pliers,etc.) because the hookset will be deep!
  4. If she didn't move when you hit her in the back--here's your sign--dive in and get her ;D ;D
  5. using a Spro Bronzeye(my only frogs) with it's double hooks, you just won't miss many, so...it must be your hooks! Buy a bronzeye and see :-[ :-[
  6. WRB,cause he's looking for the biggest pigg of all TIME
  7. Absolutely,guarenteed, no doubt
  8. The Grateful Lead Sinker Company Randy Craft PO Box 259 Panacea,Fl.32346 (850)984-0194 Good people with good service. Have used for years for decoys weights. all sizes and shapes
  9. First, I've only fished the Spro Bronze eye. I'm sure there are alot of good ones out there, but I've had great success with the Spro and don't see any reason to experiment. I don't think you can fish it wrong, BUT you can set the hook too fast and you won't catch anything. I've fished it everyway you can imagine(fast, slow, deadsticked, jerked, walked the dog?, ) they all work! What I've discovered is--no matter how they hit it, (blow up, explode on it, just SUCK it under) I reel alittle and feel the fish, then set hard. You may miss a few, but the majority will be hooked deep with both hooks. a pair of needle nosed pliers come in handy. Don't try too hard and you'll love the frog bite. I try to end hard days at work with 30 minutes of frog fishing at dark----pretty relaxing ;)
  10. Chartruse and white double willow bladed spinner bait. Been around for 30 years and still catches alot of fish if there's alittle ripple on the water. Can be fished shallow or deep, fast or slow! ;) ;)I always keep one close.
  11. I still agree as my original post- I don't tip the bar owner, just my server. I don't tip the guide if he owns the business and sets the fee. I tip the guide if he works for someone else!
  12. YES AND NO. iF I CALL AND MAKE RESERVATIONS WITH A Marina(Example) and they get a cut of the fee--I usually tip the guide extra for good service. If I get the guide personally and his daily charge is say$75/hour for either 1 or 2 fishermen, I usually don't tip. It's like paying anyone an hourly wage--There set the rate,and it's what they expect to make! I don't get tipped at work 8-)
  13. Try to rent or borrow one first. They're hell on your lower back! Then if you still want one, used are the best buys and usually easy to find :-/ :-/
  14. I have them on all my DD cranks& they work great! You'll be surprised how much force it takes to release the lure from the embedded treble hook, but it will release and you'll save the lure. SO FAR! haven't lost any fish. Pretty neat idea, especially with the prices of good cranks
  15. Nice fish---congrats. Background coverup is cool!!
  16. Sickness. First step to recovery is admit you have a problem! I HAVE A PROBLEM! Went to Memphis Basspro--found a DD22 in Splatterback---thought"been wanting one of these". Take it home, put it in Tray- : :--already have one just like It---I HAVE A PROBLEM
  17. 6.6 nice pigg :o
  18. Good article and I agree with the two types of bites----but I have had a third type! It's almost a"did I miss something?" bite. Just a real quick "bloop" and the frog is gone-almost like they get real close and suck it in. These are always deep hook sets. no explosion and if you are looking off, you'll look back and the frog is gone. Frogs are fun to fish
  19. WRB-I admire your stance---Good Luck. Here in Tennessee, I think it's a real possibility and SOMEONE is going to do it. If I told you what I would do to catch the Tn. record, I would have to Kill You!( I started to say I would Kiss Pelosi, but I was afraid I would be banned from the site ;D)
  20. Don't want to open a can of s___, but as the Federal Government puts more on the States--all state services have to go up!! 8-)
  21. fished again today with a sub. guide--still caught alot---just all MIDGETS. Really --caught about 20 total--12-15 of which would be nice in a 10 gal. aquarium. Overall opinion of Okee.--disappointed in the sizes. Have never caught ANYWHERE as many 4-10 oz. Bass. caught midgats on spinner baits, jerks, top wATER frogs, and buzz baits. Steve called them BUCK BASS still on the bed. Where were the bigger bass. Have the hurricanes hurt the size? Hard to look forward to traveling when I KNOW I can stay in West Tn. and catch 2-5 pound bass and know 10-12 lbs.er's are there. Steve Daniels is still the best guide I've ever fished or hunted with!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
  22. great story and great fish. I have a similar lake--I will buy small Tilapia for feed in April---what do you think? anything better? We've managed size for a while. I think we've made a difference, just don't have it documented with photos(and I'm sick I don't) Great job Paul
  23. can only speak to Pin Oak/Beech watershed lakes--on a sunny day, with a big spinner bait, jigged up and down hard--you can't see them much past 3-5 feet deep 8-)(my opinion)....so, I would call them stained.
  24. 1. Windy--like dam near a tornado if I were in WEST TN. on Monday 2. Bad moon phase--cold 3. caught 20-30 Mon., 15-20 Wed.(today) NO PIGGS, but several around@ 4-5 lbs. 4. BEST GUIDE any hunting or fishing trip ever(Steve Daniels) WHY---conditions not great, but Steve kept saying--"They're here, keep after them" ---When I messed up-- he usually said"his fault" ---When I did anything above a "bird nest" he complemented me ---asked what I would be fishing if I were home under these conditions ---taught me REALLY how to fish a swim bait ---good guy that knows BIG O Steve ---THANKS
  25. steve king and steve daniel are full the rest of the week, any other names to ask for? Hoping steve daniels can put me on another guide after Monday 's fishing and he sees I can fish alittle bit!
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