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GRiver last won the day on August 14 2021

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About GRiver

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Georgetown, Fl.
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake George and St Johns River in Fl.
    Cane River Nc.

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Community Answers

  1. I use eBay all the time, no problems. I have asked before about the photos. They said “sorry I’m lazy easier to copy pics that take my own” So I just check their feedback and go from there.
  2. Hi from the Sunshine State of Florida and welcome back.
  3. I tried and tried using them when I was smallie fishing in Nc. I have never caught a fish on a lizard ever. I have several packs of zoom, I have moved them off the boat and in a tote in the shop. I haven’t even tried them here in Fl, but after reading this , I might give them another try. I have never seen one here in the St. John’s river
  4. True angler indeed……..
  5. When I get in the boat, get the net ready, scales, pliers, line cutter, any thing I might need when I catch a fish. I always go with the attitude “I going to catch one”. So I prepare myself and boat, sometimes I’ve prepared for nothing, but nonetheless I’m ready. There are times when getting them to the and in the boat quickly saves their life. I have fished in close proximity of gators, the second they see you set the hook, they come a running. When that happens, I try to get them in the boat anyway I can. That’s from some anglers throwing fish to them, dangerous and not to good for the fish ether. If the situation is good I try not to take them out of the water, reach over lip’em, unhook’um, let them go. Now if they are in or above the 5+lb range, I net or lip’em, weigh’em, let them go.
  6. I did not know this, I thought higher the number of abec the tighter the clearance internal and quality of materials…. Everything. Looks like I’m going to have to do some studying
  7. My condolences to all involved and may they rest in peace.
  8. I never really tested my drags. I keep them pretty loose and depend on my thumb. I should check mine and see what they are.
  9. Hi, central Fl here too. That KLR will get you to places you a boat can’t.
  10. I use scent when finesse fishing… but I really don’t think of it as an attractant, but a bite longer additive. I saw an article years ago, wish I could find it, talking about scented bait and attracts. It stated that unless it was pungent and was designed for like catfish and other fish where you dead stick or bobber type fishing. The “attracts don’t work per-say to attract as much as make them hold on a little longer to where you can detect the bite. Your bait movement and color gains thier interest and attracts them, they come closer, maybe close enough to smell it, but once they bite it. The enzymes and taste make them hold on longer and try to swim away, that’s when we set the hook. A bass, probably other fish too, can inhale your bait and spit it back out, in under 1/2 second. Heck that’s pretty fast, I probably wouldn’t even feel that, especially 30 ft out, and in water and grass and what not. On baits that requires strikes, like jerk baits, crank baits, topwater, spoons and spinners. I don’t think it helps with the bite. Although, an angler on here said he felt it helped the bait move through the grasses better, I definitely don’t think it hurts your strike any. Not that any of what I just said is right but that’s my theory .
  11. Sending a full bucket of Mojo your way, you’ll be in my thoughts G
  12. The pro used to come by the dock pre-fishing for a tournament. I’d go out, everyone would talk , chit chat, make jokes. Now almost everyone of them are idling by, looking down at their screens. Times have changed , I guess.
  13. In really cold water only a skirted jig with a tiny paca craw, is the only thing worked for me. Both green pumpkin, and worked slow with a med sized hop every now and then.
  14. I try to support local shops, but when you’re on a budget, it’s tough. @SC53 I’ve never been in the store but ordered online from Bitters. Love their color selections, and you can buy bulk too. might make a trip there and stock up.
  15. Hi from the Sunshine State of Florida
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