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Everything posted by Fishbone

  1. My wife has a Mojo spin and I have a Mojo casting rod. Both are outstanding to where I plan to get a spin for myself. Now, I haven't cast all the others, but have no complaints on the Mojo.
  2. Thanks for your responses andamtoft and dmac14. Ben, I googled up 'Eastern Ontario Threesome', and it was a great and encouraging. Ben and Jason, PM's sent. I'm really looking forward to making the trip.
  3. Having been a factory repair guy on fork truck chargers....the battery should not damage a charger. You can take the two battery leads and clip them together (without the batts connected) and the only thing that would happen is the output PROTECTION fuse will open. Sounds like an internal component gradually failed, drawing higher and higher currents. The heat built up to a damaging point before the input fuse reached it's max current.
  4. It seems all kinds of tricks are needed to compensate for ill designed ramps; now we have fines to control the tricks. Sounds like the government is involved.
  5. If that bait is that good, he wouldn't need the other rods/set-ups. LOL
  6. Are you the Billy Bones of BBQ fame out of Mich????
  7. In the Philly area, snapper soup is a top shelf item. I pay $20/pound for meat to make this soup; and would pay more if I had to. Great food.
  8. I have been told that bars over deck lockers does not work. The scum bags hook the winch strap to the bars and crank them off.
  9. Jamie, is your Lowe a tunnel? I have been considering putting a jet on my G3 (no tunnel).
  10. You guys obviously got all your $hit in one sock and know what you're doing. Nice fishing.
  11. Waytoslow is right with what he said. Being an ex-batterery tech, we only ever used tap water on fork truck batteries. That's the 3,000 pound jobs. The tops were scrubbed with soap and water, then hosed down. The plates absorb the acid during discharge (that leaves water behind, allowing a discharged battery to freeze in the winter) which drops the level. Charging drives the acid back out, raising the level to overflow point if filled when discharged. All batteries (good or poor) give of gas bubbles when at 80% charged (leave caps on) and should not stink. At 80% a good charger will cut back on the current rate till 100% is reached. They also should not boil or get real hot....that's a sign of a sick battery.
  12. Sandra Bullock ??? That killed it for me, unless they have duck tape over that bucket mouth.
  13. In eastern Pa, I used to go for pan fish in creeks when the Lilacs were blooming. That was the start of good fishing. Being new to lake fishing, I'm surprised that Sunnies have their nose turned up at baits a week or 2 past the lilac bloom. Could be lake spawn is later. I do know they won't bite when on a nest.
  14. Leave the door open. Guaranteed new arrangements will be provided. ;D
  15. I'm having my Bearing Buddies removed this week. My new trailer with 26 trips to the lake is slinging grease on the wheels. That's a seal failure. My trailer mechanic had to change his Dad's boat trailer bearings every year due to failure with BB's. He now removes them and creates his own sealed (silicone) hub and eliminates bearing failure.
  16. Thanks guys.
  17. I'm looking to get a set of bibs/parka for cold weather fishing. The only thing I have seen is Cabelas that is lined with Gortex and Thinsulate. Any other suggestions for something that keeps you warm and dry?
  18. My wife picked up a Mojo rod yesterday. We plan to take it out tomorrow and try it out. Has anyone tried this model? Likes/dislikes? MLXF....seems like a nice action.
  19. There is no way a two stoke carbed engine is blowing 30 % fuel in the water. One cigarette would light up the whole boat and surrounding water.
  20. Nightcrawlers are not normally crawling around lake bottoms, but all fish jump all over them.
  21. I paid $1,349 for the boat and $229 for the clip on wheels for transporting to water's edge ($1,578 total). $950 and it's yours. Great deal.
  22. With all due respect to the anglers of the Allentown area and their local waters, I've been fishing the SE corridor of Pa. all my life, welcome to bass fishing hell ;D ;D ;D And here I thought it was me. :-?
  23. I have a 10 footer for sale. It's great for pond hoping. With an electric motor or a 3 1/2 hp gas, it moves real well. 610 689 9937
  24. When a hooded terrorist has a Knife to their throat, getting ready to saw through their neck, they can say, "wait, I get 35 mpg". :
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