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About Pond-Pro

  • Birthday 02/27/1990

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. If you do not see any bait fish in the pond by walking around the bank, there is a good chance the only bait fish are bluegill or some other type of panfish. Try to use baits that resemble bluegill and you should be able to catch some bass. Good luck!
  2. Ha ha, that was sweet!
  3. I can't say for sure how much it weighs, but that is a nice fish! Congrats!
  4. bassman Mike; those are hilarious!
  5. There has been a lot of good advice, but one thing has not been mentioned yet. In order to save the most money when purchasing a vehicle, try to use the 100% down method. Then you don't have to worry about payments.
  6. Nice pics Thebassmaster. I got out for the first time today. The weather was just to perfect here in Ohio not to go. Here is my biggest of twelve:
  7. I caught my first 12 bass of 09 today!! The weather has been awesome here in Ohio the last few days so I decided I had to get out. It payed off big time! After fishing for about an hour without catching anything, I switched to my panic bait (zoom tiny brush hog) and caught twelve bass. Here is the biggest one:
  8. Most of the areas I fish from the bank are fairly shallow. However, when I want to fish deeper waters, a heavy Texas rig will usually do the trick. I have also used a Carolina rig from the bank with success. Lastly, do not be afraid to throw top water baits or suspending jerk baits. If the bass are aggressive enough they will come out of deep water to hit your bait. Good luck!
  9. Those burritos are a great deal! I agree that the meat might be a bit questionable, but an occasional T-bell run won't kill me.
  10. I see your point Tony; I admit my logic may seem odd without coupling it with my religious beliefs. You were not taken as hostile by the way. Exactly.
  11. I guess I am just the type of person that requires something to be proven before I believe it. Although I may never catch a 15lb bass (especially up here in Ohio), I still believe that they exist, because of all the 15+ pound bass that have been caught. 15 pound bass have been proven to exist, aliens have not. In my opinion, the sudden increase of new technology in the past few centuries is a result of a world wide publishing and sharing of information, not an increase in intelligence. I should note that my view points are based partially off of my religious beliefs. However, this is not the proper place for me to expound upon this. I will say that I agree with what Copen and Eddie said about this on page two.
  12. Welcome groutsky!! This the perfect place to be when you can't get out on the water.
  13. The idea of "millions of years" is based off of many assumptions, not scientific observations. One of the fatal assumptions that radioisotope dating makes is that the decay rates of isotopes have always remained constant. Secondly, ages produced by radiometric dating have been proven wrong countless times. An example of this is radiometric dating done on lava flows that occurred in the past few decades. The results of this dating showed that the lava flows occurred millions of years ago, which is obviously false. Unfortunately, experts are afraid to consider that the earth may be much younger than they have always assumed. Yeah; the universe definitely is extremely immense. You got it.
  14. Originally I was not going to reply to this thread. However, after reading some of the responses, I feel I should give my view point. 1. Earth was the only planet created to support life. As mentioned previously, earth is the only planet discovered with the right combination of resources to support life. 2. We currently have no evidence of alien life forms. Many organizations have been scanning the heavens for years without discovering extraterrestrial life, and without detecting any radio signals from aliens. Since no one has discovered extraterrestrial life, secular scientists must ask the question: "Where is everybody?" 3. The nonexistence of extraterrestrial life disproves evolution. If the billions of planets in our galaxy were all accidents, than it is almost inevitable that some of these planets would of had the right conditions for life to evolve. (Ghoti and Eddie alluded to this) However, if these planets are billions of years older than earth, according to evolutionists, there should be millions of technologically superior civilizations. Yet, we have found no such civilizations. This proves that evolution is a false concept. I am very disappointing at how misinformation is widely taught and accepted in our society. For example, I was taught in my college geology class that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. 4. The earth is about 6,000 years old. Scientific evidence points to a young earth, so theories such as the day-age theory are completely unnecessary and false. The Hebrew word for day is yom. Every time the word yom is used, it refers to one literal day. Couple this with the fact that the word yom is used in context with the words evening and morning, it becomes very clear that creation took six literal days. 5. Humans were much more mentally capable thousands of years ago than they are today. This concept helps explain how architectural feats such as the pyramids were possible. (Panamoka_Bassin was right on about this) So no, I do not believe in "E.T."
  15. I looked at a video on you tube and then I could do it. (Yeah I'm bored) Anyway, nice job to any second grader that completes that!
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