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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. anyone with a name like 420angler wouldnt shoot anyone
  2. still catchin bass on worms... they'll never become wary of the worm. theres the question of whether or not bass begin to recognize and ignore a particular lure, but never the plastic worm, they love it and that is why this lure gives me the most confidence when fishing. good story
  3. these along with a few others are recommended for shakey head. but the WILL NOT screw in these screw-lock heads! nor will they go on the ones with the spikes. seems my only hope is a t-rig or dropshot. manns hardnose frogs are same way, cant use the screw lock frog hooks. guess this is why they call it hardnose. any loopholes? why are they using this material?
  4. this time of year i love standing still, in the wild. only noise is the breeze and the occasional squawk of a herron or the song of a king fisher. standing still with my worm on the bottom, staring at the line,no blinks, my rod becoming an extention of me, almost going into some state of meditation, still as could be, one with everything around me, talking to the bass on the other end of that line with telekinesis, a tiny twitch here and maybe there hoping to coax her. then finally the eruption out of quiet peace as i set the hook on bertha... this is what i LOVE, about bass fishing
  5. shakey head has been the most productive method for plastics for me, they really seem to love the action.however i do feel more confident in setting the hook with a t-rig.
  6. current down again, water clarity much better. fishing really picking back up. fished past weekend, prob best time ive had out there. fished the strike king sexy shad 1/4oz spinner the whole time.off the main river closer to hwy43.dead pad stems are where theyre at! seems like the further up river i go though, the less luck i get. is this in my head or are there others out there catching them upriver or in backwaters?
  7. well done, best wishes to u and the fam!
  8. puff puff bass
  9. i would agree on the flukes. more than likely when shad are boiling like that the bass are underneath them coming up and chasing them to the top, once i figured this out i threw a swimbait and let it sink through the shad school before reeling it in and swam it back to the surface as if it were escaping....sure enough it worked, unless water is stained. also throwing a wakebait is proper as well, especailly if u can cast next to where u see them hittin the surface
  10. brush hogs, frogs, and cranks. cant pick just one, when one isnt working, one of the others more than likely will
  11. chemically sharpened hooks, attractants, electronics, high modulus graphite rods, high speed multi-bearing reels, weedless trolling motor props, super fast outboard motors, high strength minimal diameter superlines, invisible flourocarbons, polarized sunglasses. do you consider any or all of these to be cheating? if not, then live bait is definitely not cheating.
  12. i'm with you, you cant taste if your taste buds are scaulded off.
  13. i love you guys so much!! :'(
  14. 4lbs 7oz (not amazing) but in a 33,000 acre lake where its nearly impossible to zero in on em, so i felt accomplished. sitting in a lilypad field throwing a ribbet in baby bass color. slow as hell retrieve in 3-6 ft water. was like a small grenade going off. probably 15 ft from the boat. so excited i didnt lip it i just hoisted it outta the water with my carrot stick, which is now broken.
  15. see? just look at all these people coming together and the conversation he's spurred, what a shame
  16. i've fished all my life but till about two years ago i started bass fishing religiously and will continue to do so till i die. thing is i have yet to catch a bass 10 pounds or up, but when i do i'm going to do this.
  17. yeah that does make the most sense. how long should this leader be? does this also depend on water clarity? the deeper the longer the leader right?
  18. i did search, reworded my question several times...each time no results. braided just behaves better than floro. floro stretches a little when it gets water logged and if my line stretches in the escape attempt, that tiny bit of slack will screw me sometimes.
  19. With colder weather getting closer, Im getting ready to fish slower with plastics, jigs and such. And I'm sure this has been discussed here before but I'm relatively new and probably missed out. But can fish see and be spooked by braided line or any other line not suitable for a particular application? Is it just me or do i catch more using a line nearly invisible (to fish) like mono? Or is it completely disreguarded through the instinctive urge to react/bite? thats what i'd like to think.
  20. zoom pearl or white fluke jr. stripers love em. even bucktail jigs work nicely.
  21. do not buy carrot stix i repeat...do not buy carrot stix
  22. i'm bashing them and i;ve used them. snapped mine into giving my carrot stick a little tug after getting hung on pads. didnt even want a replacement. i made bps give me refund. i think carrot stx fired their managers or something, been hearin alot of complaints about them.
  23. brushhoggin


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