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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. super cold heinekin. after my teenage and college years of trying and gorging myself of every beer i could get my hands on, heiny is my #1 old faithful.
  2. i/m right here, that game has my head in the sand. i wanna fire les miles for not getting his field goal team out there to win the game, awful. these teams always play a great game. too much hype for ole miss b4 the season which they havent lead up to i hope this hasnt given them the false sense of living up to that hype. besides, what does it matter, my saints are undefeated! ;D
  3. worm blower?
  4. yeah i learned my lesson about this kinda thing when i bought the dancing eel that bill dance was pimpin a while ago. however the sexy shad actually works because it imitates something that they eat and that actually exists
  5. catt, i like bacon in the breeze too thats so weird
  6. unbalanced your boat?!?! come on, out of all the fish youve caught, surely you can come up with a ballpark within 2 lbs, i'll believe you I was hoping that my story was absurd enough to liberate me from providing a weight. ;D I suppose that such a preposterous scenario is remotely possible if I were fishing for mako shark from a 12-ft aluminum rowboat, but NOT my biggest bass : Roger i've been had :-X
  7. yep...i hate to be typical but try the weightless senko fished extremely slow all he way around the pond. also a pearl fluke jr weightless. cast, let it fall, give it a few twitches bringing it back to surface, letting it fall again repeat al the way back to you. if its no more than 3 ft all the way around i'd try some topwater. you sure bass are in there?
  8. white spinnerbait is my november lure
  9. are you fishing from a boat? how deep is it? is it one of those circular ponds or one with points and cuts? what do you think they're feedin on? sorry to answer a question with questions. its like math equations, you gotta know the givens to solve them.
  10. a marry go round goes in the direction it is pushed and a fan turns in the direction you want it to, weather you want it to pull or push air. >
  11. some of it is staged some is real. i think you can tell the difference
  12. check please :-?
  13. unbalanced your boat?!?! come on, out of all the fish youve caught, surely you can come up with a ballpark within 2 lbs, i'll believe you
  14. i would advise wearing a ghillie suit and crawling up to the bank and casting a shakey head or weightless senko while on your belly
  15. nutella on toasted english muffin...praise jesus
  16. i like the spike or screw though. the way they angle up towards the tip of the hook, just seems to keep the worm more straight
  17. so you guys think jvveelens theory about heating the coil with a lighter will work?
  18. ' now thats the kinda tip i'm looking for i've spent so much on screw locks...i'll give this a try
  19. i will admit it.........i'm jealous
  20. Nicely played, sir! thanks man, was wondering if anyone would pick that up ;D
  21. yes, that is what i like to hear, thank u i'll pick some up now
  22. seriously?
  23. i like this game but i cant get off of ghost recon 2.anyone like this too?
  24. ha! now that was hilarious. ;D
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