thats so funny you ask,,,. for you it seems only catching 2 or 3 is an awful day that really eats you up inside. for me it takes a day like i had a couple weeks ago. 6 hours on the water not one bite even. i was thoroughly ticked as well as my buddy. we loaded the boat back up at the same time as another fisherman, who looked way older than us, or if anyone was catching anything, this was the guy.i REALLY didn't wanna ask for the exact same reasons you didnt, but i had to know so i asked him how he did. "caught 8, yall do aight?" i told him not really when i meant not at all. it was like cramming my ego further down the poopshoot with the bottom of his boot. it hurt. how could this be? do i suck? i'll never find money spots like that. well apparently i needed the humility as motivation cause the next weekend i fished a bunch o new places i hadn't fished yet (plenty of those on a 33,000 acre lake) and caught a 4 and a couple 3's and a few other quality fish. so, it can be a good thing i guess, no pain no gain