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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. x2 dude your avatar fish looks like it has a can of budweiser in its belly! what'd she weigh?
  2. for topwater i have the 7'3" MH kistler mag small swimbait rod and it blows my mind.it has a really nice limber action tip that insures dexterity and finesseability. also wont rip a bait out a bass mouth. but also has an excellent backbone to hoist the escaping bass outta whatever kinda cover. maybe like twenty bucks more than u wanna spend but more than worth it man
  3. fishing weightless?
  4. sure are expensive for a spinner without a nice paintjob. especially their finesse spinners, just seems like detail would get a little more attention. any opinions?
  5. roger that. that makes since. i'll pick out some 50 lb suffix. i like the limberness of this line. thanks a bunch. this has been a prob with me for a hot min. i appreciate the advice.
  6. those look so bad ***.just checked em out. dont see why success rate wouldnt turn out to be 100%. expensive!
  7. i have the 20 lb suffix on a high speed revo and whenever i try and cast far it catches and just plops down in the water in front of the boat. it doesnt birdsnest it just catches and stops abruptly. is this line too flimsy? power pro seems to be the most popular braid out there but it seems a little waxy and stiff. but is that what i need to overcome this "catching"? does it limber up pretty well through use? thanks guys
  8. i wish some of you deer hunters would come out to my subdivision and "weed" it out a bit. i love seein em out there dont get me wrong but the entrance to the neighborhood is sorta a major hwy. when u see em, you dont just see one, its always a group, and so often!i think they should seriously sell a few licenses to go out with a bow and arrow. hell its gotten so bad i think the citys gonna have to hire some guys with darts to depopulate a bit!
  9. well played sir! geaux tigers!
  10. if u get my name in the christmas draw, just send some jerky and we'll be good! nice kill!
  11. Helium II LTX 7' 6" heavy telescopic fishing rod paired with the patriarch xt aint gotta proper flippin stick yet. i just dont see it happenin but its still on the list
  12. why arent these people going to Papua New Guinea to protest people eating people?
  13. i think that when youre being digested form the neck down, the last thing youre gonna do is try and eat something or bite someone in self defense
  14. johnston and murphy. also mont blanc makes good one, run a little more but quality
  15. those people make me sick
  16. yes to you as well, and travelers, try and avoid the loser drunk drivers
  17. eezy or berkley ike's finesse jigs. any finesse jig. x2 on the countdowns.i fish bandit 200 series cranks no prob.preferably smaller to answer your question
  18. the depth finder that came on my fishing buddys little bass tracker seems like one of those toys that just scrolls around randomly showing fish just to make us think it works (the LOWbudgetRANCE)...we dont use it for anything but determining depth and water temp now. really cant wait to upgrade a bit. ive pulled my lure through a tree before and turned the boat around to see if it would pop up on the screen and showed nothing. we've resorted to observing the bank trying to determine how the land juts out into underwater points or whatnot. but finding underwater brushpiles, rockbeds, or these suddle changes in contour you speak of is not easy.
  19. right near thanksgiving! awsome man, what was your biggest fish during that off period?
  20. those head ons can get nasty, glad everyone is ok
  21. 4" yamamoto kut tail roboworm zipper worms and sculpins
  22. thats so funny you ask,,,. for you it seems only catching 2 or 3 is an awful day that really eats you up inside. for me it takes a day like i had a couple weeks ago. 6 hours on the water not one bite even. i was thoroughly ticked as well as my buddy. we loaded the boat back up at the same time as another fisherman, who looked way older than us, or if anyone was catching anything, this was the guy.i REALLY didn't wanna ask for the exact same reasons you didnt, but i had to know so i asked him how he did. "caught 8, yall do aight?" i told him not really when i meant not at all. it was like cramming my ego further down the poopshoot with the bottom of his boot. it hurt. how could this be? do i suck? i'll never find money spots like that. well apparently i needed the humility as motivation cause the next weekend i fished a bunch o new places i hadn't fished yet (plenty of those on a 33,000 acre lake) and caught a 4 and a couple 3's and a few other quality fish. so, it can be a good thing i guess, no pain no gain
  23. ive always thought this lure is mimicking a cicada(locust, whatever yall call it) stuck on the surface tension. and i know these lures produce year round, just seems like whatever time of year these buggers come out would be a good time to throw one
  24. wait, he wasnt wearing the same underwear you got electrocuted in was he? ;D
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