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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. are pickere :-?l good eatin?
  2. nope, wild turkey does a body good. splash of sprite
  3. i think i could take him
  4. i know how it is, and you definitely have my prayers. my mom was diagnosed with stage 3c i believe is what its called, or just stage 3 ovarion cancer. stage 4 is the worst, which is what i expected. not sure how many chemo sessions she had but they miraculously got it into remission and she is now working again, got her hair back and is truckin along living happier than ever before. chemo works wonders on lots of people and i pray it works for your buddy.after diagnosis, i would search the web looking for positive stories like mine that would ease my mind. hopefully this post will do the same for you guys.
  5. i'm on it. those look sweet Catt, muchos gracious.
  6. bass resource's very own reel mechanic. heard nothing but really good things
  7. junebug baby brushhawg of course, and the gycb flappin' hog is really growing on me. thanks roadwarrior
  8. roadwarrior those pics of the swimmin senko rigged weedless looks like a hookset would be impossible cause it seems it wouldn't come out of the worm during hookset, it would just bury it further into the worm. i often wonder about this cause shakey head rigs are similar in that the point of the hook is pushed just into the belly hiding it. do these plastics collapse easily enough for a hookset? i always push the hook all the way through just barely exposing the tip on the other side so that it can actually grab onto something if bit
  9. x2. soooooo sharp
  10. those colombia boots look cool but seem heavy
  11. how does the wwf still make money with stuff like this these days?
  12. because people are sleeping...thats too much ;D
  13. geez. ive caught a few 12 and13 pounders from the bank in front of the dam at my rez which is insane fun. they almost spool my line out everytime, incredible fight. but this fish weighs way more than any striper i've ever caught, and from a kayak! i am jealous
  14. yeah my dad used to go out on a fan boat to treat this stuff, apparently its an incredible nuisence. he told me it cost 50k to treat one acre! i love that technique though i may have to experiment with that. thanks for the hints guys, catt i just picked up some stanley jigs and plan on using them. i fish jigs on a spinner reel so its easier to let out line when the lure hits the water.
  15. its all about finding good socks that deal with moisture properly. when your feet sweat its keeps em cold.try smartwools heavy cushion hiking socks.they are good at moisture wicking
  16. brushhoggin - that's what my ol' 5000 is mounted on! A #4-16HSML to be exact. Oh the memories. aw man thats great. never fished with mine, i'm sure my grandfather has great memories of it. i'm keeping it put up in my display case
  17. wow.might as well use live bait!
  18. yeah but hyacinth is more like a matted weed not grass. and if i pitch into a hole in a big area of hyacinth, it stops just under the surface as it sits on the root system.
  19. i think he's dumb for gettin married. if i had his status, i wouldnt marry anyone. i'd be kickin it like george clooney. take my precious time, "test drive" a few chicks before i made a life long decision. that way i'd have gotten it all out of my system so that by the time i was ready to settle down, it'd be easier to maintain what the public expected of me. 8-)
  20. they are good worms, i like to throw them when i'm fishing slow and deep
  21. love roboworm. no one ever gives props to culprit. they have awesome plastics
  22. holy crap who is this guy?!?!?! some bad *** pics man congrats
  23. wow thats a rarity in todays age. good to hear it worked out in the end
  24. If I were you I'd specify what gender you would like... just saying.... :-/ the guys on here are weirdos. Chances are you'd get a fat male blowup doll with big ole' man boobies and a blonde wig... Just watching your back ;D You only live once.. so surprise me! ;D this little discussion caused me to choke on one of those small boxes of nerds ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  25. so basically thick beds are unfishable?
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