not sure using braided is the problem.
Baitcasting reels provide better lure control and accuracy and are suited for lines testing 10 pounds or heavier. They have a tendency to backlash or snarl when the spool spins faster than line is paying out, especially when casting into the wind.
While magnetic braking features on baitcasting reels do help prevent backlashes, the most important control is the spool tension knob (usually next to the handles). To set it for each lure, hold the rod perpendicular to your body, disengage the spool and loosen the tension just until the lure starts to drop, then tighten slightly.
To cast, disengage the spool and hold your thumb on the spool. Release thumb pressure on the spool when you want the lure to move forward. It is crucial to learn to control spool revolution speed with your thumb.