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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. Break it down for me guys, what's it gonna take to put the S back in Saints? They made it this far so i guess they sorta already have, but a win tonight would put it in stone. It would also be the ultimate symbolism of strength and regeneration for the city of new orleans. But the colts are pretty much juggernauts, and Peyton Manning is pretty much a jedi. Are the saints and saints fans relying on a false sense of destiny? Or can they pull it off? Geaux Saints. ma ladys already makin homeade hand grenades
  2. nothing like spraying coffee out tha nose to start your day
  3. just curious, i know he's got some saints blood in him
  4. annie hall, amelie, full metal jacket, american psycho, scarface
  5. A couple months ago I caught a fish and I stepped on it a bit too hard, this fish let out with a squeal like a pig, sounded to me as if it had some pain, don't remember the species. i've heard they dont have nerve endings in the thin membrane around their mouths, just can't guarantee setting the hook there every time
  6. you guys make me feel better about constantly succombing to the bait monkey
  7. same here. or skippin a frog under an overhanging tree dipped in the water
  8. thats his 6" Gene Larew salt craw. he talked me into those things a while back. think he cuts a couple inches off. Wisconsin heat, i dont see any Ribbits.
  9. thats funny. yes my fishing buddy and i call this the christmas eve night sleeping disorder. you know, the same thing that happens to kids before christmas morning.(just saw hammers post)except its a little different. i'll eventually drift away thinking about fishing and will be startled awake by a topwater hit. beginning the process of falling asleep all over again. i've even accidentally uppercut my lady in the ribs settin the hook on a bass in my dreams...and the couch doesn't make any of this easier
  10. Actually sometimes i put a red worm in a pack of frogs or something so the red will bleed over and give the frog a more of an injured appearance.
  11. nice man. did he slam it or inhale it
  12. awesome. ireally hope the saints win. i wonder who archie is pullin for?
  13. Agreed. That's why I never said what he did was right or wrong. To me it's just plain and simple selfishness. It's that simple. I don't hate the guy or anything, nor do I say he's a "bad person." For all I know he's the nicest guy on the planet. The point is, that huge bass was a noble creature and in my OPINION shouldn't be eaten unless you're pretty much dying of starvation or the pond NEEDS to have some big bass taken out for it's health. What he did was obviously legal and the guy had a right to eat the fish, or take it home and feed it to his cats, or just kill it for fun in his backyard. To me, all are a complete wasteof an absolutely awesome animal, by what I consider to be a very selfish, ignorant angler. Right or wrong, it's just lame. Take home a big bag of 4 pounders if you want and do with them what you will, but an 18+ pounder? Weak! is shooting and eating a deer a waste of an absolutely awesome animal?
  14. yes, i use these things. very cool little idea. i was very reluctant to post a link on this site called tree hugger.com :-[ but for those of u who cant plug your ipod into your boats speaker system, this is a good option. they dont get loud either, just enough volume to reach your ears and not spook the fish. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/11/origaudio-chicago-origami-speakers-gift.php
  15. yeah, we never landed on the moon either :
  16. i agree its very unfortunate but it doesnt really make me mad cause he won't tell us where the lake is.
  17. http://www.mannsbait.com/search.asp?Searchfield=Sting%20Ray%20Grub
  18. flappin hog is my new favorite flippin bait but the brush hog will always be in the batters box
  19. i'm confused
  20. i've always thought these were too sexy. and for spinning, the Certate 2500. as far as rods, yeah those megabass rods are sick. or i could hire all my favorite pros to join together and custom make me something real special
  21. this was argued in another thread. the scent doesn't help a bass find the bait. they aren't sharks. scent makes them hold on giving you time to feel it and set the hook. its the same concept as the powerbait worms. on the back of the package it says they hold on way longer than any other plastic. i've let a bass run with a powrbait worm for a good 15 yards before i set the hook just to see if this was true.and it is. spray dont stay. it's either gotta be poured into the mold or lathered on the bait in the form of megastrike!
  22. i agree. bulky is good. slower fall. but the baby brush hog is an excellent spinnerbait trailer.
  23. those are some of the best videos i've seen in a long time, if only i could understand them. how do you find this stuff?
  24. Zoom horny toad hooks are the best frog hooks..
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