i can't imagine the horror of losing a pig during a tournament, especially if it would've sealed a win, so i'll leave the tournament guys the most sympathy. i was fishing a point that had some pads snuggled up around it. probably 8 ft of water. i threw a brush hog into the middle of it immediately catching a proper 3 pounder. well, following what i've learned about throwing right back into the same place with the probability of more bass in the vicinity, i did just that. it didn't sink 2 seconds before i saw the line haulin A into thicker concentration of pad stems, but for some reason i couldn't believe it and just stared at the line like a scared deer. when my brain fart was over i finally came to and set the hook on what could have actually been a washing machine, swimmimg. i got two MONSTER tugs so strong, i literally almost lost my balance and my rod. she was gone before i got my balance back. never saw her. now i know i've set the hook on fish that i thought were huge givin the fight they were puttin up but came up only to be a couple pounds. this one was different. those two tugs will haunt me forever. or at least until i catch one over 10 pounds this year in that exact same spot :'( :'( :'(