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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. Brilliant! this is my exact argument when people push global warming. the earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old yet we think we can make accurate assessments on the future of planet earth based on a few hundred years(maybe) of observing and recording climate/weather. they say its at the hottest point in all of history, but thats not very much history at all compared to the actual age of the earth. climate fluctuates. when i was a kid the winters were harsh for mississippi for years, then i noticed winters started to not be as cold for years. now its freakin cold again. i think were starting another cooling period. well put bilgerat
  2. dude, i gotta get some of that, it sounds sooo good. mail me some. i love u long time
  3. agreed. its not accurate at all. yet i still check it out. any weather experts out there to chime in? i can only take another weekend of no fishing before i'm completely bald and the extended forecast is telling me 30 percent chance o rain and a high of 50 degrees for everyday next week. its like the curb your enthusiasm episode when Larry thinks the weather man is falsely predicting rain so he can have the whole golf course (lake in our case) to himself.
  4. rage frogs, ribbits and horny toads are all user friendly cause you can rig em, toss em, and just reel em in to get bit, whereas the spro frog or any hollow body requires a little concentration cause you're trying to mimmick the natural movement of a frog. those little hops and skips with suddle pauses are tricky to get down pat. my second favorite technique
  5. this one blows my mind. these bass are like pets! not skiddish at all http://fliiby.com/file/321119/cb85xak72p.html
  6. forget everything youve ever learned and relearn. you're welcome http://anglerstube.com/view/1184/feeding-big-bass-by-mouth-1/
  7. gosh this worries me. i just stocked up on jigs of all colors and weights thinking i could add them to my arsenal and just fish em like a worm and youre telling me thats not it! how can this possibly take two years?
  8. roboworm zippers are THE best. i also like oxblood , 5 or 6 inch.
  9. It Shrinks!!
  10. if the super bowl was rigged, then Mora is a great actor. http://ebaumnation.com/2010/02/05/classic-playoffs
  11. right there with you man, i sreamed like a school girl when i first saw of this
  12. price range? bucoo 7' MH is a great all arounder. its what i put one of my STX's on after kicking my Cara in the reservoir, very similar in balance, weight and action. another good all arounder is the Kistler mag small swimbait special 7'3". i fish everything on this rod despite the technique spacific title they give it.
  13. wow bass pro has them. i thought they were things of the past. thanks for the input guys
  14. doesn't hurt either. dont think it matters. i have more confidence in black hooks
  15. junebug. all year, all conditions
  16. lucky dude. nice fish. sounds like a nice outing, especially since you got to watch the Saints win the superbowl when you were finished!
  17. i can't imagine the horror of losing a pig during a tournament, especially if it would've sealed a win, so i'll leave the tournament guys the most sympathy. i was fishing a point that had some pads snuggled up around it. probably 8 ft of water. i threw a brush hog into the middle of it immediately catching a proper 3 pounder. well, following what i've learned about throwing right back into the same place with the probability of more bass in the vicinity, i did just that. it didn't sink 2 seconds before i saw the line haulin A into thicker concentration of pad stems, but for some reason i couldn't believe it and just stared at the line like a scared deer. when my brain fart was over i finally came to and set the hook on what could have actually been a washing machine, swimmimg. i got two MONSTER tugs so strong, i literally almost lost my balance and my rod. she was gone before i got my balance back. never saw her. now i know i've set the hook on fish that i thought were huge givin the fight they were puttin up but came up only to be a couple pounds. this one was different. those two tugs will haunt me forever. or at least until i catch one over 10 pounds this year in that exact same spot :'( :'( :'(
  18. last couple of years i've been dumb enough to fish this time of year, so this is the first time i've gotten smart and stayed indoors for the winter. its not cool. i'm thinking about buying a shotgun just so i can wonder the wilderness shooting anything that moves till it starts to warm up. the first 70 degree day we get i'm going to fish like its my last fishing trip
  19. same here. my fishing buddy and i have a deal whoever catches one 5 pounds or over gets a steak at the finest steakhouse in town, the other person has to buy. this is the year though, for me. i can feel it
  20. 95 years old and this is what he suggests? kinda funny. what is it and who makes it?
  21. dems fightin words for some folks on here >:(uhh, besides, that minnesota game was a great game. and close.
  22. for the rest of us who know better, Abu will do. ;Dseriously though shimano makes a nice reel. my first baitcaster just happened to be Revo S and it is very forgiving. i was very clumsy and still hardly ever got backlash. either or will be a good first baitcaster.
  23. chatterbaits. my buddy destroys bass in muddy water on a chatterbait and i still cant bring myself to buy a few. havin too much fun topwaterin. which is another good alternative for you. rage frog. last but never least, the midnight special
  24. jigs, craws, senkos. and very soon frogs will be thrown. consistantly. I CANT WAIT ANYMORE!
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