growing up in the south, i was rasied to think european soccer was for pansies, but man are these guys hardcore. starting to find it more interesting than the american version of football. first off there aren't commercials, these dudes run their arses off, 90 minutes with a 15 min halftime. no run, huddle, run, huddle, just straight balls to the wall. also sprinting with the ball at your feet and passing it all the way to the other side of the field to someone elses foot without having to break their stride is close to magical to me. and hitting the ball with their foot and curving a shot in a desired direction is insane. and the fans, man oh man the fans. they're not gettin up all the time to buy beer and food, they're completely sucked in, chanting and screaming, you would think their life depended on it. personally, i'm an arsenal fan. anyone else? soccplayer07? i feel a bashin comin. ;D