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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. cheap shades have inferior optical quality. The acuity of good lenses requires careful manufacturing control that includes "decentering" or tapering the lenses. Inexpensive plastic lenses will strain your eyes. You might not notice it at first but after a while, subtle fatigue or even severe eyestrain and headaches will set in.If your cheap sunglasses are polarized, they use a polarizing filter that is either glued or sprayed onto the lens. The filter is certain to detach, scratch, or delaminate. And the quality of the polarization will be poor anyway.Quality sunglasses provide all the protection you need, plus they have superb visual acuity. Wearing them is a pleasure. They're worth seeking out.
  2. they haven't eaten in months
  3. you guys can keep your watermelons, pumpkins, and pearl with whatever flake, i'll take all the junebug colored ones
  4. :'( ;D :'( ;D :'( ;D Hysterics
  5. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1121527643
  6. so funny that post was from this exact time last year, one day off
  7. Paul thats hilarious. i wish van dam woulda won this years classic on that tarzan, people would be flocking to toys r us instead of bass pro and cabelas ;D
  8. i gave my dad the same hat one christmas so he could pull it down around his neck if he wanted to but his brother and everyone else gave him hell about it just like this. hey Franco, if it outperforms "cool" lookin hats, then wear on my brother ;D
  9. : i'd love to be stuck on that.
  10. deep dark structure+slow moving big worm=Nadine
  11. are you smuggling foreigners? ;D
  12. fishin with jesus wouldnt be fair if you were in a tournament
  13. if you walked it just right across some scum in a stagnant pocket so they didn't get a good look at it, i bet they'd hit it
  14. watch your mouth bassnman. ;D
  15. once again, i feel i'd be a more knowledgeable angler had i remembered my early science and biology classes. thanks guys, you are my mentors
  16. ok, but why? why does super murky water make them pale?
  17. had my first decent outing last sat and sun. water temps finally in the mid 50's, but it looked like coffee with half and half. i couldn't even tell my first fish was a bass till i lipped it cause it was so white looking. looked albino. the more fish i caught the more pigment they had, but still not much. why were they so white in color? they were florida bass, which usually don't have prominant patterns like other bass anyways. does it have anything to do with the cold temps that were just letting up? that was my first guess. thanks in advance
  18. that background looks extremely inviting. way to go
  19. i've always liked storm lures. they are inexpensive, good looking and downright productive. not to mention they're really user friendly. that is a nice shiner imitation. i can't find that color online though. all i can find is the olive shiner, yours just looks silver which is what shad look like where i fish.
  20. agreed. well played.
  21. yeah water gets in them, all you gotta do is squeeze it all out before your next cast : and when setting the hook, i wait till i see the line move after the splash, or any indication that she has it in her mouth before i set the hook, which is usually a violent one straight to 12 o clock
  22. a 3/8ths oz spinnerbait with the skirt replaced with a 3 1/2" pearl with chartreuse back money minnow. silver willow gold colorado.
  23. googled a few pictures, not sure i was looking at the right pics. white fowers? strong smell when in bloom, extremely drought/freeze tolerant? if s,o these things are like trees!i can't imagine fishing in that. i cant fathom fishing anything worse than hyacinth in its peak lushness here in mississippi. is this what you're talikng about?
  24. uh, yeah. :'( i had a revo paired with a falcon cara jump off the deck before i had those bungy cord rod holders drilled onto the boat. didn't even realize it was gone till we got to our spot. i thought,"where's my rod?" i was thoroughly ticked off. i watched my friend fish for about an hour before i even picked up another rod. my dad gave me that set up :'(
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