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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. keep throwin it man and dont reel too fast it tends to lay on its side if u do. i guess its that tiny change from skirt to paddletail that keeps the bite fresh. they dont recognize it as a threat and absolutely destroy it
  2. what he said. if i have a ton of slack in the water after a cast, i'll grab the line and pull it tight almost a foot above the spool and bring it in with that tension on the line
  3. money craw for swim jigs and zoom super chunk and rage craw for pitchin jigs
  4. you nailed it. yo yoing it is effective too
  5. i think its grennel. hell of a fight. i've caught 3 footers before. extracting the hook is a PITA. toothy critters they are.
  6. nice pics paul you too big e
  7. thats funny, when i feel the tick tick, i ALWAYS say uh oh.
  8. what madbass said. i have threadfin all over the place where i'm fishin, so for me its hot. threadfin is one of the most common shad species.
  9. ok but don't tell anybody. take a spinnerbait, preferably one with a barb on the hook shank that holds a trailer in place. take off the skirt (optional...i do it cause bass where i fish see spinnerbaits everyday) and thread a 3.5 in paddletail swimbait(preferably a YUM money minnow) on the hook. somewhere between a slow roll and moderate retrieve. you can just thank me later.
  10. 4" roboworm zipper shakin on a 8th oz spot remover. deadstickin tiny flukes
  11. escalade.....$70,000
  12. i'd go streaking through bass pro, jump in the tank and ride a striper around, jump out, order a medium roast from the starbucks in there, and sprint out, for my state record
  13. math is stupid
  14. i've been catching em lately with red lips. they may be waitin for Jimmy Housten to catch em.maybe its the same reason flamingos are pink, cause they eat shrimp all day. Then you have other points of view. This one was based on a biologists study i found. The colors you are witnessing are more to do with its state of activity and hormonal levels. If it is in prime breeding time - it will be good n ready to go blood pumping and full of excitement. It is likely that it's extra blood pumping you are witnessing making the mouth interior change color. The fish is over exerted. During breeding - all sorts of things happen to the fish extra strong colors develop - the tail becomes ragged and bloody, etc. Now; catch a bass in prime breeding form and in high stress from having just struggled with an angler. Note the color of the mouth interior. Check again in half an hour and you will often see that it is paler. Just as when we exercise, blood rushes throughout our bodies to supply increased levels of oxygen to the muscles and cells which require them - so too does the same happen in fish. Where we get flushed looking cheeks from the workout - some fish can get the same effect in the mouth. Who knows, could be a combination of the two theorys.
  15. i use the exec bathroom upstairs. its so much cleaner. i'm not supposed to use it but i'll do anything including breaking the rules to have a clean bathroom experience.
  16. uuuuhhh, yeahhh, this news story would have ended with my mugshot and not hers
  17. i'm junebugman 2, but SoFlaBassAddict is pretty much right about black
  18. strike king bleeding bait and strike king premier plus spinnerbait (590) but i'm pretty sure any spinner will do as long as conditions encourage spinnerbait usage. only reason i have a bunch is for variations on weight and blades
  19. where you from?
  20. robo zipper shakin. kut tail senko
  21. I hear MAG is LAGtastic a lot of the time with that many people playing at once. believe it or not, its VERY rare in my case, thats one thing i notice that amazed me given the amount of people playing. very well made, well thought out game. More teamwork oriented than COD. COD is too arcade shooter. Ghost recon 2 is another good one, just wish they would come out with a new one already
  22. yep, yesterday was 74 degrees here in jxn, Mississippi. today? 39! its freakin snowin a little right now. guess the groundhog didn't see his shadow, i can't remember
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