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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. 5.13 8 pound vanish on a med spinning rod. a healthy head shake from a fish that weighs 5.13 exceeds the weight of the fish, and probably line test too, its all about proper drag settings. i caught a 35 pound catfish on 6 pound test at the spillway here several years ago. now that was ridiculous
  2. congrats. when all else fails...senko right? missin those frog hits would have killed me though! i like to feel the weight of the fish before i set the hook with frogs. also, using braid would increase your chances in a hook set, especially with hollow body frogs
  3. those bass got some nice tans! well done
  4. must...stick...with gammys
  5. thanks guys. too windy for the boat so we had it out at a local neighborhood lake. went back yesterday and they weren't havin the plastics. i figured a spro bronzeye jr hopped across that scum and pollen accumulation might work cause they were hittin my b hog as i was pullin it in across the scum to recast. they had moved from the bottom on the edges of the mats to near the surface directly under the mats. ended up prompting my first few topwater bites this year, only not as big. amazing the effects of a low pressure system on bass fishing
  6. i'd put that in field and stream if i had any say-so
  7. had a nice low pressure sittin on us last friday and caught several 3 and 4 pound fish. towards the end of the day though, in a 45 minute time span, i got 3 over 5 pounds. my biggest one ended up being 5.13. my buddy (red shirt)caught the big one for the day though at 7.5 on a power hog. all mine fell on a black sapphire brush hog. you can see the mats in that one pic. they were under that stuff all day either pre or post spawn,not sure. fins were bloody, oh, and all their lips were red.
  8. thank you for sharing
  9. hm. i just wanted paddletail for that extra kickin motion, but yeah i'll give the flukes a shot
  10. Sorry I was joking around maybe I made it sound to serious but I was just joking ;D Capt.O there's an element of truth to every joke. ROBOWORM RULES!!!
  11. yeah if my boss knew how long i was on here during the day it, could be very not good.. i love you guys so much
  12. you obviously haven't fished the zipper shakin roboworms, which is my favorite next to the kuhuna cut tail worm
  13. nice try. april fools is over. i changed the name of the thread cause i wanna actually hear any opinions on what the thread is actually about. Rolo, you definitely didn't read any further than my april fools. ;D
  14. anybody know how to fish a senko? APRIL FOOLS! WAKA WAKA WAKA!! seriously though, anyone ever used buckeyes su spin for bass? i think its a salt water jighead but i feel like it'd be deadly with a paddletail swimbait fishin for bass. i've been killin it with a spinnerbait with the skirt replaced with a yum money minnow, but it's kinda tricky gettin it to run true, gotta be mounted just right. so this seems like it'd be the solution to my rig tumbling. one thing though, on my spinnerbait version the wire acts as a weed guard so i've been throwin it in every pad stem patch i can find, this su spin seems like it'd get snagged easier. i've never liked just rigging a 3 1/2 in money minnow by itself on a hook unless i can toss it to where they're boiling. too quiet. always wanted some extra noise or vibration so the su spin seems like a bad a## solution.
  15. the next ghost recon game (coming out this fall) is going to be the ultimate war game
  16. well done
  17. cool! i'll just swap out the 8 million of the ones i bought with spikes!
  18. i guess it depends, i fish over pads mostly, and those bass are smart about diving into the stems, with that high speed though, you can prevent escape
  19. what's everbodys deal with power pro? that was the first braid i ever tried a couple years ago and it flat out sucked. did i get a bad spool or something? its so waxy and stiff. gets a little better when its broken in i guess. after that i tried suffix and i gotta tell you it was a dream compared to that PP, nice and limber, but still not very strong. diawa makes nice braided
  20. uh..if by stones you mean cash, then no. thats a work of art not a lure. chug bugs and skitterpops will have to do
  21. revo stx 7.1:1
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