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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. .38
  2. the verb used when fishin with a brushhog, my strong point (any worm really) since day one
  3. swimming lizards and brushhogs like a spinnerbait. maui stingrays bronze lens.
  4. "Largemouth bass posses sense of mechanoreception that is kind of like a cross between hearing and touch. The organ responsible for this is the neuromast, a cluster of hair cells which have their hairs linked in a glob of jelly known as 'cupala'. All fish posses free neuromasts, which come in contact directly with the water. Most fish have a series of neuromasts not in direct contact with the water. These are arranged linearly and form the fishes lateral lines. A free neuromast gives the bass directional input. The lateral line receives signals stimulated in a sequence, and gives the bass much more information (feeling the other fish around it for polarized schooling, and short-range prey detection 'the sense of distant touch)." seems like bass' ability to detect prey is similar to bats, only they dont have active electroreception (sensing its surrounding environment by generating electric fields and detecting distortions in these fields using electroreceptor organs) but passive electroreception, which just means they only receive bioelectric fields. I've seen videos of people feeding their bass in an aquarium and they drop the shad or prey behind them where they, in one motion, turn and suck that prey in as if they knew exactly where it was without seeing it. i'd imagine these abilities are heightened when eyesight is lost.
  5. took the words outta my mouth. flukes all day this way. throw em near the boil and let em sink to the big lazy bass waitin for injured prey fall into their laps.
  6. broke, nice read. tell us what dictates which frog you use. between hollow bodys and solid bodys. i used to think hollows worked across scum and veg matter produced more than working them across open water, where they get a good look at it. where as burning a solid across the open surface produces more than burning it across scum and mats because its basically in a constant strike zone. but my theorys are falling apart with every frog article i run across.
  7. Francho, this is a family friendly site. please refrain yourself. flipin4bass, me including over 500 people are waiting to hear where you got the bloody jigs.
  8. youre darn tootin' it works
  9. awesome man, well done. BTW, nice name
  10. i'd fish towards the end of the day if at all
  11. So, I would have a deer in the headlight look, be drunk, and not remember her name????? :-[ :-/ ;D :'( ;D :'( ;D :'( i cant take it anymore ;D :'( ;D :'( ;D :'( oh god make it stop, my stomach hurts! ;D :'( ;D :'( ;D :'( Catt, your post made my hands shake. i cant wait.
  12. ive had a couple different phones become completely submerged before that all eventually dried out and worked fine, without rice. which i'm sure speeds the process but cell phones are tough little buggers. except iphones, i'd imagine
  13. the monkey doesn't lie, he knows whats necessary
  14. i've done well with that color in other plastics. done really well with brush hogs. bet they'd be deadly in 6" to 2 feet of stained water right now. been catchin em on red lizards (to a bass, same thing as a brush hog) this week like that, swimming em like a spinnerbait in the evening
  15. love seeing healthy healthy fish. nice job
  16. you're not missing anything. They're notorious for super crappy customer service
  17. if its a hot bluebird day, bring your frogs across some mats or anything providing shade.
  18. thats a first
  19. awesome
  20. They also like shinny things hence the best lure for females is a pink spinner bait with to silver willow leaf blades make nice ear rings ;D i know if i saw a lady that had spinnerbait ear rings, i'd be asking em out. ;D except not. GF may not appreciate that
  21. wooly hawg tail.
  22. nice dude, love those days.
  23. Nice glenn. The one that hooked me was when i was around 9 years old. I knew nothing about bass fishing. I went up river with my dad to catch bass from a little boat he'd borrowed one day. We weren't really catching anything as I was used to brim or catfishin. We were just happy to be out there. Eventually i got the pops to tie on a crankbait cause i thought it looked cool, and I just started chunkin it right out in the middle. After a few casts, i had one on, and it was big. Given the mental image I still have i'd say it was at least 3 pounds, which is huge for a first bass. I'd give anything to see my face in that moment in time. Well given i knew nothing about properly settin a hook or steering a fish in, it came off. My rod fell out of my hands and i just stared where the bass had last jumped. As that spot slowly got closer with the boat drifting down the river towards it (insert surreal silence), i saw the crankbait, floating in two pieces. That beautiful, floating balsa cross section, instilled in me, a potent flavor of revenge so immensly desirable, that I knew from that point forward, it was on like donkey kong. 20 years later. i've crossed so many eyes on that river, i feel like i've managed a decent revenge, but still have that burning desire to catch bass. 8-)
  24. congratulations bro. classy pics. what are you gonna do with all your rod and reels? ;D
  25. nice catch, but really i'm just posting to get off of 666 posts
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