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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. startin to look forward to your jokes. good one
  2. aw come on RW you love those flappin hogs. you can't say you wouldn't use that as a trailer on a finesse jig bank beatin for smallies in your neck of the woods
  3. swimming lizards.
  4. no frapping hog junior fo you!
  5. sorry, i meant r-e-a-s-o-n. sorry everybody! apologies all around. hope i didnt anger the grammer and spelling nazis, sorry guys. Es tut mir furchtbar leid.
  6. one of the few days i was manning the trolling motor i backed the boat up ramming a stump that had a wasp nest on it while my buddy was back there takin a whizz. ;D for some reson they didn't move but my buddy had a 3 year old tantrum at 40 and got whizz all over him and the motor ;D
  7. if it has to be flouro you can't ever reel in slack line. i make a point to grab the line about a foot above the reel to bring that line in with some tension. as far as loadin it onto your reel, leave the bail of line on the ground. some say the line needs to come off in the same direction your bail is spinning it on. make sure after several turns you make sure its not twisting. if it is, flip the spool on the ground over and keep crankin, again, all while grabbing the line above the reel to avoid winding on loose line. sometimes i flip a spool over many times while winding it on
  8. pic #4 is an insanely pretty fish. whats that one in your avatar pic weigh? you're not even extending your arms and it looks huge! had to be 6
  9. thats freakin great
  10. http://www.mattlures.com/bluegillswimbait.htm
  11. like this. see behind his right shoulder?
  12. sorry No you're not ;D ;D no really i am. its like that guy that says "thats what she said" every single chance he gets. i'm not that guy. i just get silly when i get bored at work
  13. i'm sorry, i should be more sensitive. I can't help myself sometimes. (sucubus)
  14. no seriously, he needs to kidnap his friend. save his soul from sucubus!
  15. ;D ;D Try this... http://www.wiseacre-gardens.com/games/frogs_plague.html holy crap. its even a .38
  16. holy......crap. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake? The Corndog-Egg? Rice Krispy Treat Waffle Cones? thank....you. well, dinners planned
  17. no one can make clear minded decisions when they're in a foggy predicament! you see the situation clearly from the outside and need to intervene! blindfold him and tell him you have a surprise, dump him in the woods with 3 years worth of survival supplies. tell him he'll thank you later and leave him there! thats what a real friend would do. and about the does/dose thing, people are typing quickly and make this mistake. they dont necessarily think the word does is spelled d-o-s-e. give these folks a break, this isn't freakin english class. : Terrible, terrible idea. Who is to say that your judgment of her is more accurate than his? He knows her better than you do. How can you know his feelings for her? There is nothing worse than people who assume they know what's best for other people, oh, except for people who act on those assumptions by interfering with one of the biggest days of their friends lives. i was being serious :
  18. did you take the line off your reel before tying the braid to your spool?
  19. now, who's gonna put out a pulsing crankbait ;D
  20. people fish for different reasons. youre fishing for the excitement of a diligent hunt, he's fishing for fun. he'll understand when he gets older. it's not smug
  21. no one can make clear minded decisions when they're in a foggy predicament! you see the situation clearly from the outside and need to intervene! blindfold him and tell him you have a surprise, dump him in the woods with 3 years worth of survival supplies. tell him he'll thank you later and leave him there! thats what a real friend would do. and about the does/dose thing, people are typing quickly and make this mistake. they dont necessarily think the word does is spelled d-o-s-e. give these folks a break, this isn't freakin english class. :
  22. the lady and i saw the commercial for that last night and
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