no one can make clear minded decisions when they're in a foggy predicament! you see the situation clearly from the outside and need to intervene! blindfold him and tell him you have a surprise, dump him in the woods with 3 years worth of survival supplies. tell him he'll thank you later and leave him there! thats what a real friend would do.
and about the does/dose thing, people are typing quickly and make this mistake. they dont necessarily think the word does is spelled d-o-s-e. give these folks a break, this isn't freakin english class. :
Terrible, terrible idea. Who is to say that your judgment of her is more accurate than his? He knows her better than you do. How can you know his feelings for her? There is nothing worse than people who assume they know what's best for other people, oh, except for people who act on those assumptions by interfering with one of the biggest days of their friends lives.
i was being serious :