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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. topwater bites start off few and far between beginning in late january early march. then start getting more consistant during april, in mississippi anyways
  2. the z neck owners are really nice, worm doesnt slip.
  3. 6" 3:16 mission fish!!
  4. try a 1/4 oz spot remover, those 6" robos got some nice weight to em.
  5. i've actually caught several this year doing the same thing, throwin em in the pad stems, using black ones, but the water is murky where i fish
  6. only heard of it one other time. pretty neat, but try using a barrel swivel
  7. i have the best of luck with baby brush hogs t rigged with 3/0 superline gammys, no need for a hook any bigger. beat the hell outta some banks and you'll wear em out, also let it drop around mats, timber, docks or anywhere really. i swim them a little more than when i fish a worm. this time of year, they're soooo deadly
  8. When fishing the ribbit under water, do you use a lift and drop retrieve on a Texas Rig or do you work it faster? Has the worm on top of the grass out preformed other baits, like frogs? let it fall under pads and give quarter turns to your reel instead of a straight retrieve
  9. if i was told i couldnt ever fish again unless i had my left family jewel removed, i'd do it.
  10. several priceless sources. grandad, dad, bass resource, and just hanging outdoors and watching and observing nature my entire life
  11. sounds like your bringing the right lures to the table, just not presenting them in the manor a bass would prefer in that moment in time. vary your methods of presentation and retrieve.
  12. with a pegged bullet weight. these things make awesome jig trailers
  13. ive deduced that if they give a territorial snap at the bait, they're catchable if you keep at em. varying retrieve helps. if they just swim off every time you make your presentation, chances arent lookin good. just my experience.
  14. kayak fishing is the silent attack. sounds exciting. that fish looks more than five five
  15. nice. he looks happy. nice hat catt.
  16. isnt that what taxes are?
  17. nice catch pitchinbass, nice bass too!
  18. brushhoggin


    Kistler magnesium small swimbait special for swimbaits up to 5". absolutely dynomite rod, paired with an stx 6.4:1 reel.
  19. get well soon man, i'll catch one for you
  20. both fish are gorgeous but that second one is stunning.
  21. I'm gettin up at five tomorrow morning and i guarantee i will not be able to sleep tonight just cause of the anticipation. AND, I'll jump out of bed like i gotta drill Sargent on my butt, even with no more than a couple hours of sleep. its a passion driven urge. if its not there, whats the point? i dont remember my life before i started bass fishing, and how i lived without it.
  22. I'm with bass akwards, males were guarding the nest while the females went deep. I've fished a brush hog or a lizard very slowly in front of a males face sight fishing, even after casting well beyond them, without a bite. they swat at it but its 100% territorial. finally after pestering him for at least 10 casts, he bit it purely out of reaction on more of an erratic swimming retrieve, right in front of his face
  23. could you post a link maybe? i cant find it for some reason
  24. nothin like a stanley ribbit.
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