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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. never thought of riggin a senko on a slider head. nice man
  2. awesome pics. i went fishing last weekend and spotted a red fox sniffing around in the woods with sun rays creeping through the shade, flowers and a mother duck with her babies trucking along the bank in case they needed a quick get away into the water. i hated myself for not having a proper camera.
  3. looks like perfect conditions. why does that happen? first part of the day is killer, then it turns slow. even if you keep moving.
  4. (that you haven't met in person) based on personality, information and opinions? I think I'd have to go with Catt, as i am a devout worm fisherman. also i feel i could get a good deep water fishing lesson and hands on experience with deep structure tactics. maybe do a little night fishing. Besides, anyone ever met an uninteresting Cajun? 8-)
  5. crap. my moms did the same thing to me back in the day. oh well, maybe you'll appreciate fishing more.
  6. depends on the rate of fall and action i'm looking for. paca chunk, zoom super chunk and the v&m mudbug for a slower fall. and zoom critter craw or larew craw for a faster fall and fishing deeper. for swim jigs i have great success with a money craw. for finesse jigs i've done well using the conquistador craw.
  7. he said "nope you can't make me" cause his answer was probably borderline political, which is not permitted here, he was merely following the rules. take it to pm. stephen hawkings' show is awesome. that guy understands and sees things i'll never get. what an interesting predicament that man is
  8. like dude said, wait till either you see your line moving or you feel the weight of the fish. Relax. It's easy to get startled into setting the hook prematurely without enough mustard in your hook set. also, don't set the hook on slack line.
  9. i think he's talking about bass
  10. they waited so they could build a case? they had freezers!?! What, did they think they needed a freezer for 5 bass?!? I've honestly never eaten a LM bass. i've eaten a striper which was pretty good. are smallies tasty?
  11. "This thing draws a crowd wherever it goes" ;D Yeah, they're all gonna laugh at you!
  12. They should hire runner wranglers. People who are built well, and can run a 4.4 40. They'd wear exotic, native Indian looking attire, face painted and all. He would come sprinting out and screaming at the top of his lungs when runners decide to interrupt, execute a dramatic tackling display and have him off the field in no time flat. I'd be a runner wrangler.
  13. well done man, i'm jealous as well. that 4th pic is one long bass, could be the camera angle but it looks very long.
  14. awesome read man. i'm fishing tomorrow in that same front. i'll see if i cant duplicate your patterns. i like the boom and bust concept, only mississippi winters arent harsh enough to concede a die off. got close though this past winter
  15. you gotta go with a 5/0 twistlock on a ribbit, weightless. you can fish em fast, but i get more results slow rolling or churning it across pads and such. alot of times i'll let it fall and swim em right underneath lily pads. and stay away from the double takes if youre fishing across pads and such, trust me, just one more point to snag onto something. also, if you rig em right, you can have the point of the hook sittin snug in the slot on the back of the ribbit without having to bury the point. this ensures hook to lip contact upon setting the hook. also, lather it up with some megastrike, it'll slip and glide over and through all kinds of vegetation like butter. as far as the floating ribbits, eh. action isn't the same, and the colors are weird. you can fish a regular ribbit pretty darn slow without it sinking. gonna have to try the jig trailer as catt suggested. that sounds sick. forgot to metion colors, which ultimately doesnt matter too much. as long as it has a white or silver belly, i dont care what color. i always just grab the baby bass color. the new royal shad is sweet also
  16. black and blue 1/4 oz stanley finesse jig with a matching money craw or baby paca craw. fishing deep, my favorite is a junebug picasso spider flip jig wide gap with a reaction innovations double wide beaver cut in half for a trailer. so much fun
  17. dont know if you saw this, but its at the very bottom, easy to miss. "Harrison learned of his record nine days ago, when he returned to England. In the weeks after his record shot, he suffered a minor gunshot wound and broke his arms when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb."
  18. that sounds like a fair assessment
  19. what a beautiful black and white checkered belly.
  20. been doing really well with a spro jr bronzeye and baby bass ribbits. buzzbaits seem to spook bass where i fish. i get bit more consistently on the less conspicuous topwater lures
  21. yes. one of my favorite swimbaits,just started using them this year in shad and bluegill color.i have the 4 and 6 inchers, proper paddletail
  22. nice spotted. those stripers always get my blood pumpin
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