you gotta go with a 5/0 twistlock on a ribbit, weightless. you can fish em fast, but i get more results slow rolling or churning it across pads and such. alot of times i'll let it fall and swim em right underneath lily pads. and stay away from the double takes if youre fishing across pads and such, trust me, just one more point to snag onto something. also, if you rig em right, you can have the point of the hook sittin snug in the slot on the back of the ribbit without having to bury the point. this ensures hook to lip contact upon setting the hook. also, lather it up with some megastrike, it'll slip and glide over and through all kinds of vegetation like butter. as far as the floating ribbits, eh. action isn't the same, and the colors are weird. you can fish a regular ribbit pretty darn slow without it sinking. gonna have to try the jig trailer as catt suggested. that sounds sick.
forgot to metion colors, which ultimately doesnt matter too much. as long as it has a white or silver belly, i dont care what color. i always just grab the baby bass color. the new royal shad is sweet also