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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. Sam as often as we see the topic of barometric pressure here on the boards, that article should be a sticky. it's very well explained. thanks a ton.
  2. he is such an avid poster here. i'll be curious to hear what he has done with his time in place of readin' and postin'. Happy Birthday sensei.
  3. nice fish!! that mouth makes that 1 oz jig n' lobster look like a bitsy bug jig lol
  4. hey man, i'm impressed! those look awesome buddy.
  5. capitol "N", small "y", big freakin Q!! on the back of the box it says "may cause drowsiness, it should say "don't make any *#$@%* plans"!
  6. there was a thread about this not too long ago....couldn't find it to bump it for you but i think the way sonar has progressed is the biggest deal.
  7. Melodic death metal??? never heard of that, i'd imagine it sounds like Brahms all ticked off? i like jazz based groove. John Scofield is a monster. Pretty odd for a redneck huh!
  8. that blue craw looks like the ocacheebee color you guys have out...check out this craw i found next to my favorite lake...can't wait to grab some of these!
  9. i love those rods. they are strong as a horse. what reel you puttin on it?
  10. good to hear. thanks for checkin Mike
  11. no doubt FatG. even though there are many great anglers here with golden advice, i consider him my "online mentor" so to speak. I know that old farts still around, but its strange he hasn't posted since the end of October.
  12. roboworms fall apart easily on long casts with a t-rig also but i'd imagine on a drop shot the weight would carry most of the momentum so it might not tear up as easily. but without that soft, flimsiness they wouldn't be one of the most natural baits you've ever used and i bet you could use a game hawg on a drop shot but i believe there are other baits that stand up better. guess it depends on your retrieve.
  13. Maniac, welcome buddy, and i'm the same way with perfect plastics game hawgs. they are my all time QB. i've gotten bit reeling fast, yo-yoing, twitching and crawling, deadsticking, you name it, it's bad to the bone. i trim em down as they get torn up and still catch fish big and small until it just won't fit on a hook anymore. it's replaced my baby brush hog because its a tad thicker/heavier (but not as bulky as the regular brush hog) and is petroleum based so it slides through cover well. all colors produce. HOWEVER, the zoom magnum finesse worm is really starting to give the game hog a run for its money. the secret is combining a standard worm retrieve with a soft jerkbait retrieve so it darts around on the bottom with frequent pauses... that worm is almost designed for that....this has caught me more bass in the past year than i can remember.
  14. i'm with Francho if i catch a fish on a treble lure i always, do what my buddy and i call "kvd em" which means grab it on the back of the head. because even if they flop around forever and seem worn out, as soon as you thumb her she's gonna thrash once more. they don't really seem to flop if you "kvd" em.
  15. was just wondering that. anybody have his phone number?
  16. hopefully you can take 1 more before its all said and done...nice catch. how were those walleye cakes?
  17. yeah i'd imagine that'd be a killer lure late fall if you can find some bait pods. looks like a nice overcast day...way to go
  18. ...allow me to reiterate....The poll is for who you think will win, not which of the two are you pulling for
  19. I've heard a lot of ridiculous theories/predictions in favor of Arkansas so I wanted to throw this up. What yall think? I know you never can tell in the SEC but i personally think LSU will dominate in the end. also the Tide dominated the Razorbacks 38-14 and we (sort of) dominated the Tide on the road so i really don't see where some of my friends are getting off.
  20. would've been hilarious if one of em would have hooked into an 50 striper
  21. i'm ready for some more of EdBassmaster's shinanigans
  22. some happy squirrels runnin around up there
  23. That threadfin looks so amazing. I want
  24. my mom bought me Fifa 12 for my 32nd birthday. how bout battlefield 3, anyone really like that one?
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