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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. went to a neighborhood lake this morning and threw a junebug brush hog (my all time plastic) for two hours tryin to get a bite. i used to think if they were biting worms, they would bite anything and any color. well, i changed to a zoom magnum finesse worm in watermelon and caught two over 5 pounds right off the bat. coincidence? :-? anyways, those magnum finesse worms are bad to the bone!
  2. Ya got me. That's a new one. Did he fight 'til your arm was tired? ;D I'll file that one away and just keep watching. not really a match for a 7'6" Heavy. quite effortless.
  3. how the heck did you even get it on a shakey head?
  4. That's because you were smoking dope in it. no wonder i didn't get that job
  5. why not a frog type bait? :-? a ribbit would destroy in this scenario
  6. i tried a ****** in Amsterdam. it just made me sleepy
  7. in before Glenn!!
  8. all i can really do is laugh
  9. megastrike will do just fine on elaztech plastics
  10. get yourself a spro frog (pricey but effective) and do what these guys have suggested and bend the hooks up and away from the body just slightly. and for gods sake, don't wait to set the hook, set it as soon as you know he or she didn't miss.
  11. copy that above me, but all you really need is a white crankbait, baby brush hog, and a frog, preferably by spro. ;D
  12. i don't think it's critical , but it can help. slowing down in general can be critical. you can slow down and use a 12" worm and have a better chance at a bigger fish than fishin slow with a 4" worm. you just want it to look like an easy meal
  13. but i didnt prank anyone?
  14. not necessarily. bass don't chew on their food, they swallow things whole.
  15. if i were a mutant i would give it 6 thumbs up
  16. Paul, i caught a dink the other day in 90+ degree waters (surface temp), and by dink i mean MAYBE 9 inches. Anyways, of all the other fish i caught that day, this was the only one with red lips. What's interesting was it wasn't just red but bloody. i could literally wipe my thumb over his top lip and have blood on my thumb. and no, it wasn't from having a hook in his mouth cause i hooked him through the thinnest of tissue on the side of his mouth. What do you make of that? what theories does this debunk? if at all? it definitely occurs in the south
  17. it look slike he's mounting it! where are his pants Oh you deserve a BAZINGA for that comment ok before i get one, i need to know what a BAZINGA is :-?
  18. pass it through the eye twice before you start to spin the lure or hook?
  19. Terns? So that's what they're called. They're always out there. Haven't had one go after a lure of mine before, but seagulls are pests. i've seen a hawk do the same thing over and over and over, we were actually trying to cast where he was diving thinking there would be bass chasing whatever they were chasing
  20. when you say the long end you mean my main line right?
  21. it look slike he's mounting it! where are his pants
  22. no matter what the lure, has always been the one where you thread it through, then spin the bait or hook 7 or 8 times then thread it through again at the bottom of the twists and back through itself. Sorry don't know what it's called but i'm losing confidence and fish with it. Are all those twists stressin the line too much? I know how to tie a palomar, and even a few others, but it's just embedded into my nervous system that that's what i tie when it's time to tie on a lure. now with braid this doesn't seem like as much of a problem. should the palomar be my new all time QB?
  23. check out this new Koppers frog. just wondering how soft the body is. not really interested in the one underneath italthough it does kinda look sweet 8-). http://www.***.com/icast10.html?ccode=KOPFG
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