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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. Woke up this morning, walked outside and got that sensation you get when your body senses a change in seasons. You know that feeling right? I start to get a little excited with thecooler temps, knowing bass are starting to move into the backwaters and shallows more consistently, and shad are finally big enough from spawn to excite big schools of bass, more consistently. I used to hate winter and think that was the time of year to find something else to do with my time, but summer in Mississippi is just as bad for fishing it seems like. Instead of fishing, i find myself cleaning blades on spinners, getting dried silt out of my line guides, reorganizing over and over again, and so on, just like the winter time. So that cool, light breeze i felt this morning instead of the usual humid, stagnant, sweltering greenhouse-like temps, has lifted my spirits, as I am starting to look forward to countless hours hunting the big ole' mouth. Time to put my worms down and start throwing my spinners, jerks, flukes and cranks more often. Summer blues are dissipating!!
  2. http://www.blendstir.com/fail/knight-rider-boost-oh-shiiiiiii/
  3. crap i wish i were a little further south, this would be good for me
  4. that second one is hilarious, he was a COMPLETELY different person after he got tased
  5. i like real jazz. not that crap where people try and play as fast and as loud as they can, i like simple, creative jazz where it's more of communication between musicians rather than a show off session. and i hate that easy listening crap they call soft jazz.
  6. i love modest mouse. but live they are awful.
  7. http://music.napster.com/album/songs.htm?albumid=12926731 Click on Bluegrass in the Backwoods. it just takes me to a place inside where i can't be faded.
  8. that water looks beautiful, and ripe for the pickin', nice bass
  9. who needs excuses? what they don't know can't hurt em.
  10. crap, you're right.few bricks shy of a load i am ok, i'm going to try again...here's a video of a car that detects on coming danger. http://www.whoisthemonkey.com/videos/33/cyclist-hits-car-during-race
  11. i actually thought it got less and less delicious the older i got. are you sure you just weren't really thirsty? ever tried dr pepper mixed with pomegranate juice?
  12. he knows he's being recorded
  13. when you get em to the bank, just walk backwards slowly and slide her out of the water and onto land then lip em, this way you don't have to bend the crap out of your rod
  14. that's a surefire way, but the baby brush hog is a less dangerous sure fire way.
  15. whats wrong with his face?!?! gotta love those conditions
  16. so that's basically just a drop shot rig with heavier line and gear?
  17. i wish someone would design a 1.5 weight that would punch through the heavy stuff, then shed most of that weight off to get the rate of fall of a 1/8oz weight. ;D
  18. that's what i'm tying with SJB, i always hock a big ole' loogie on it and cinch it down pretty darn slowly and it's still breaking. i thought it was me for the longest time so i kept adjusting/experimenting with different knots and drag. even bought another spool when i ran out and ran into the same issues. none of which i had during my career with Trilene Maxx
  19. thanks stasher, if you can remember, try and keep us posted on your success, or lack thereof, with those. i wonder if they hinder the "stand -up" action the shakey head is known for?
  20. Are we talking strictly about strikes occurring on the fall? When punching, i always wondered what bass under this matted hyacinth think when they see my critter craw come flying past their face at 80 mph because of a 1.5 oz bullet weight. But it's the only size that'll get through that stuff and i can't get bit. Only had luck a couple times, and that was cause the bass were on the bottom of these caverns that the weeds are forming. I've never gotten a hit on the initial fall fishing this way. Now when fishing plastics not punching, i always get bit crawling along the bottom, very rarely do i get bit on the fall and i fish with mainly 1/8-1/4 oz weights. does it matter what weight i'm using when i'm just barely crawling along the bottom with baby hops?
  21. spot removers. someone has a jig head where the hook swivels separately from the actual weight. i wanna try those but haven't yet. seems like a better chance of buttoning up with em
  22. i will always have a tube for lubrication purposes. it makes a huge difference for me and i couldn't fish without it. i don't use it as an attractant however.
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