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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. what a sweet set up for a birthday present. The Revo S was my first real reel. shouldn't take too much adjusting, just practice.
  2. white strike king tour grade swim jig with a zoom watermelon speed craw trailer.
  3. i can't even get the website to load. probably better anyways.
  4. that's the ticket!
  5. what Raul said. you can throw lots of different things, but i've found that at these small ponds, plastics will be your most productive. buy some Strike King Perfect Plastics Game Hawgs (junebug for your slightly stained) and hold on for dear life!
  6. i was thinking about this last weekend when i caught a bass about the same size, and came to the realization that 4 pounders are the best fighters. six and seven pounders fight well, they just swim around and tire quicker. 4 pounders shake and jump and run for cover like crazy. then again i've never fought a LM over 8 pounds. i think it's hilarious how you always peer from behind the fish like youre hiding
  7. You know, that's one color I don't have, in anything. I guess I should give it a try. i'm the same way, aint got no confidence in em for whatever reason
  8. i think shimano and abu, and daiwa users should all be segregated ;D
  9. i'm buying everyone here a combo they want, then i'm takin all of us to Biwa ;D
  10. I get these so frequently now, i can't believe they can't track these people down. are people actually falling for these?cause like i said, it's becoming more and more frequent FROM Advocate Abdul Assad , ABDUL ASSAD AND ASSOCIATES, PUBLIC NOTARY SOLICITORS & ADVOCATE 200 QUEEN MARTHA IV ROAD NEW YORK, 10010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Email:advocateabdulassad@gala.net Phone:+1-512-541-1220 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL AND BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIP. Sir/madam I am Advocate Abdul Assad. I am the Personal Attorney to Mr HASSAN JAVED KHAN, a national of Pakistan, who used to work with Islamic World Aids Fund in UAE and Lebanon.On the 28th of July 2010, my client,his wife And their six children were involved in a tragic plane crash that occurred on the Margala Hills on the outskirts of Islamabad, at the Karachi airport. All occupants of the aircraft unfortunately lost there lives. Please check this webpage for reference: http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/03-passenger-list-of-abq-202-ss-03 Since then I have made several inquiries to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the Internet, to locate any member of his family but of no avail, hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money that belong to my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged. Particularly, the Bank where the deceased had an account valued at about $30million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next ten official working days. since i have been unsuccessful in locating the the relatives, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased,so that the proceeds of this account valued at $30 million dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can share the money. 55% to me and 40% to you,while 5% should be for expenses or tax as your government may require, I have the certificate of deposit that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this dealt through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Do send me the details below to proceed with this partnership: FULL NAMES: OCCUPATION: MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: Please get in touch with me via my email:advocateabdulassad@gala.net to enable us discuss further, or call me directly on +1-315-779-9844 I WILL OBTAIN AFFIDAVIT FROM COURT WHEN YOU RESPOND TO ME. Best regards, Advocate Abdul Assad ABDUL ASSAD AND ASSOCIATES
  11. what does Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus have to do with this?
  12. case closed.
  13. copy that, before mine flew off the boat in 30 ft of water, i considered it the best within my arsenal
  14. how are u gettin that huge treble hook bait through hydrilla beds!?! nice fishin
  15. i hate catchin these cause i always get let down thinkin it's a huge bass. i've grown to tell the difference now though, as soon as you set the hook, those head shakes are extremely violent and they just keep shaking like a pit bull; very distinct fight to em. Can't ever seem to tire one out to take some pics. i hear they are good eatin though. grennel cakes!
  16. my best, most productive lure in the past couple weeks with the temps coolin off and drawing shad up into the shallows again has been a white 3/8 oz swim jig with a watermelon critter craw worm. Nothing special or erratic on the retrieve, just chunk and wind. great for high pressure lakes
  17. hopefully it was sent to the wrong number
  18. i just picked this guy up last week and have already caught over 15 fish with it. it's safe to say it'd be comparable if not better. WEC cranks
  19. hellen keller wouldn't have even heard a phone ring
  20. check gaskets in your toilet. is the rubber plug on the inside sittin right?
  21. might as well go to a local farm, walk up to a trough, push a few pigs aside, and scoop your plate into some slop.
  22. sugoi desu!
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