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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. he means exactly what he says. for example dude thinks aggresive bass bite curly tails. bass will "tell" you if they are aggresive or not. some folks think finiky bass prefer a paddle or straight tail. i personally don't think it matters as much as color choice
  2. Favre got 5 shots to his knee to be able to play. that had to be miserable
  3. hilarious thread. my side hurts. red necks goin off on how they'd attack a honey badger....priceless
  4. Remember this from the OP? Might have to seriously think about that suffocation technique. I think quick shots followed by retreat is the proper method. (i.e. Kick, run, kick, run, kick, run, etc.) remember, you're fighting it naked. which means you'd be kicking it barefooted. good luck with that.
  5. good pep talk airborne.
  6. you mean this is the new king of the jungle? i'd do it. for 200k, suffocation would be my technique. if i could just grab it like an alligator and sit on his back while i hold his mouth shut and cover his nose. maybe rip his balls off (karma) as a finishing move
  7. i cant tell if this is friendly banter or people truly ripping on a 15 year old.
  8. Thats because nobody really likes the Saints. At least not until they've won a few games. people dont wait for a few games to see how a team is gonna do before they choose a team to pull for, true fans stick with their teams cause it's their team. and really? no one likes the Saints?
  9. I 've always said it, it ain 't the wand it 's the magician, heck, I can fish with a Coke can spooled with 100 yards of line and whup some rear ends, not that I do it a lot but I 've done it. those cans have some amazing sensitivity! ;D
  10. no one has mentioned the saints. thats weird. go dolphins. laces out
  11. i like to put a drop shot on for fishing at the spillway in my town. but i use an ounce weight so i can get it all the way to the gates where the water is coming out, then just let the current do all the work. let it carry your weight as far as you can before reeling it in. flukes and buckhair jigs are all i use. the bite really turns on after 3-4 inches of rain. are there stripers in there?
  12. now thats what i'm talking about! i've lived in mississippi my whole life and havent even gotten to do that
  13. eat the bait? i'm talking about eating what you catch right after catching it
  14. fresh sashimi literally straight out of the ocean? i'm talkin reel the fish in, bleed it out and cut out a cube from the loin, chill it in a bag of ice for a few seconds, and gobble it up? if so i hate you. always wanted to do this. especially with a yellowtail tuna
  15. looks like a fighter!
  16. this weekend was awful. thought the cool weather this weekend ( low was 58!) would pull them into the shallows, but the shad weren't anywhere to be found. had a few snap at my ribbit in the shade, but wouldn't follow up on a baby brush hog. i think they were fasting. caught ONE that looked malnourished, on a swim jig. only fish of the weekend, and it was a lucky one
  17. buy her a 3 hour massage. she gets massage, you get 3 hours to make us another video of u catchin some bass!
  18. i love how he phrases this.filled his prescription ;D two shots of lead to the thoracic cavity for his mineral deficiency ;D ;D
  19. try the old spice original anti pers/deo. (white stuff) longest lasting and seems impervious to tolerance
  20. i'm worried for my tigers this year. with all the scrutiny Jeffersons been under, i hope he's ready, along with the o-line. god my girlfriend is so annoying with her roll tide crap, it's gonna break us this year
  21. no doubt. i do fine bank fishing neighborhood lakes, but river fishing from the boat is a tough titty for sure. you'd think that the cold front would bring them into the shallows after all this heat but it's all about the shad and where they wanna be. i'm not feeling to great about my trip tomorrow and monday. been looking forward to the time off, but it doesn't look like it's gonna pay off
  22. hello.........Newman
  23. sorry if this is a rehash, and i'm not sure there is a omnipotent lure for a bluebird fishing trip , but just curious what you guys pull out on a bright, cloudless day. besides spinnerbaits and shakeyheads. BTW i'm river fishing. any other advice besides lure choice on bluebird days?
  24. wow, i'm surprised at the amount of maturity being displayed on this thread. giggity! i think which action rod you choose is more of a factor when determining what you need for that application
  25. STX is the baddest to the bone. especially since you ain't gotta open a silly sideplate to make adjustments to the mag breaks. never know when that winds gonna pick up, or let up. besides i can cast weightless plastics a quarter mile with the stx. ok obviously not really but you do get great distance with light lures
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