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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. i think bass find a craw to be an easier meal while a baitfish is much more tasty and filling!
  2. In my opinion Alabama has some of the best bass fishing opportunities. Granted humidity, and the heat can be tough. I can only name a handful of states who have the number of quality lakes AL does. I mean honestly... Pickwick, Wilson, Wheeler, Guntersville, Lay, Lewis-Smith, Neely-Henry and Logan Martin. i find it so strange that alabama has so many tournament grade bass lakes and mississippi being right next door doesnt have one. still cant figure that one out
  3. nice dinosaur. ive hooked into a 3 ft grennel before. its scary, the sound my drag made during that fight
  4. yeah this is the longest period without rain i've ever noticed. oxygen levels are down a whole lot. when it does finally rain, it'll replenish the oxygen levels, then get ready!
  5. like i said, my lady drives me ape @#$% with her roll tide crap. come on SC
  6. all of those. also,insane clown posse. or anything that's generic (the majority of the crap on the radio) beiber, Brittney spears, all that marketed cheese
  7. never gotten this. couldn't you just reel slower if you had a 6 to 1 reel and wanted to fishin a deep crank? even a high speed like a 7 to1, couldn't you just reel slower?
  8. http://www.peepersbaits.com/baits/cranks/wec_main.html check out the top row. i have done very well with this bait (e1) in those situations, in the short amount of time i've owned it. may be impossible to find before tomorrow but will serve you well in future flooded timber fishing. good luck
  9. is that the crappie pattern in the second to last pic?
  10. kinda seems a little gimmicky, but if you consider the scientific elements of a bass' senses (electroreception), it kinda seems viable
  11. ok cool, just checking. <thats me, being witty.
  12. Or ban you for practice? Mmm, yes. I like the sound of that... come on be nice. we all talk about how the greatest thing we can do is teach and talk to kids how to fish, get em outdoors and be positive mentors, yet we dog this kid to no end. walk the walk gentlemen.
  13. heavy action rods don't mean heavy in weight, it's the action, or how strong the rod is. powell makes a solid rod. go pull some bass out of some muck
  14. that looks good, but last night for dessert i ate a funnel cake with salt water taffy flavored ice cream, and fried butterfingers.
  15. string jam that's insanely funny
  16. interesting. we always have bums asking for money at the exit where i get off to go to work. i took him an umbrella and some advertisement signs for the music store i work for and told him he could earn some cash holding the signs for us till 3 or 4 oclock. havent seen someone that grateful in a while.
  17. thats some clear water. looks awesome. how were you fishing that fluke when she hit it?
  18. where you fishing fellow mississippian?
  19. casting: righty spinning: lefty I never cast with one hand unless i'm pitching either. i swing like i'm swinging a baseball bat. or an ax if it's an overhead cast
  20. mud wrestling
  21. if i could only have one lure in that situation, it'd be a Carolina rig 1/2 oz weight and zoom magnum finesse worms.
  22. solid fellow he. well done
  23. this is cool. those of you who posted holes and no lakes please, if you have the time, edit your posts and include lakes those spots are found on.
  24. ;D ;D http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20101005/NEWS03/101005018/Memphis+teen+shot+over+sagging+pants
  25. Sweet guys, now we're talking. Keep em coming.
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