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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. nice video man. those bass look amazing. i've never had the opportunity to fish water that clear.
  2. good lookin out Paul ;D. love those days.
  3. they are cool. you should check out the stanley sidewinder though
  4. 1-black and yellow 2-white 3-rootbeer
  5. they saved the best for last.
  6. good god man, you trying to catch a snookie? ;D but seriously. they are sick.
  7. ;D sounds like a swell time. i'd love to fish with some o you old farts
  8. Alligators, snakes, spiders, fire ants, angry wifes...all kinds of dangers associated with night fishing in South Florida.
  9. So sorry to hear it man. My prayers will go out to his family. Not really much to understand. The world can be a dark place, but the joyous things in life greatly out weigh the dark things. We just have to cherish each moment we have together and conquer our dragons when evil seeks us out.
  10. i would love to see a link
  11. you da man! hell of a bass man, hell of a bass
  12. agreed. these respond really well to a cleaning and lubing.
  13. likewise. our dogs haven't won there since '65
  14. how do you know the big ones aren't looking at it? seriously guys, he's lacking two periods. you dont have to make up for it by starting yours.
  15. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D oh man, thanks for the hearty laugh.
  16. doesn't it always come down to that? ;D i have been insanely happy with my stx's. got three of em and plan on gettin a couple more. I appreciate having the option to adjust centrifugal breaks without havin to pop a sideplate open. I wish the stx had a slower gear ratio. And I think the Curado is lighter.
  17. i know what youre talking about but this is all i could find. it happens within 1st 10 seconds.
  18. you mean the cull bag hat?
  19. what about the one where Cartman gets that kid to eat his parents in the chili contest? or better yet when Mr garrison gets breast implants? still cant believe they got away with that on tv
  20. this rod has changed my life as an avid frog thrower http://www.kistlerrods.com/p/KR/c-helium-lta-fishing-rods/He76HC.html.
  21. wait till ghost recon future soldier comes out. its going to blow everything out of the water
  22. you mean the Robo zipper Shakin right? cause yeah, thats my biggest producer as far as worms. but in oxblood. and the senko cut tails too, in plain ole watermelon seed. awesome bait.
  23. what lake is that? Is it private? nice fat bass man.
  24. Or you could get completely naked and just keep fishing without saying a word. I promise, they'll leave.
  25. watermelon candy baby brush hog 1/16 oz bullet
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