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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. they changed that. you can now play all game modes attacking an defending all maps. which, are by the way, huge.
  2. some old redneck must've won the lottery. thats insane. whata parking job
  3. Battlefield 2 and Battlefield2142 are no doubt the best war games out there. We ought to play together sometime you'll change your mind when ghost recon future soldier comes out. how come no one talks about MAG? thats a great one too.
  4. one thing led to another...and before i knowed it.....geez.
  5. You will appreciate the LTBC70MM from day 1. 8-) Yeppers... what did i tell you about yeppers?
  6. i got this rod for that purpose. its a workhorse and i can flip and pitch all day and not get worn out. very light rod and extremely sensitive to be so rigid. i chose this one over the 805, which i'm sure is also a beautiful rod. http://www.kistlerrods.com/p/KR/c-helium-lta-fishing-rods/He76HC.html david, isn't that DX795 a MH?
  7. was it mounted on a rod?
  8. thats a really beautiful area and hope to make it out that way sometime. that catch means alot!
  9. time and place man, somebody had to be there
  10. from the makers of scum frog....anyone fished this? i understand there's only so much you need out of a frog, but i have had success walking spro bronze eyes, so i wanna check this out cause supposedly it walks right out of the box instead of having to alter something a little like trimming skirts or adjusting the weight. It has a keel designed into the bottom that aids in the motion, and makes it possible to walk from both a high or low held rod tip. any input?
  11. man pic #95 is nuts. wouldn't wanna be caught in that. my granddad, 96 now, has just recently found the courage to talk about his time in the war. he fought in Guam and has some really crazy stories about sprinting across the beach running from a Japanese sniper hidden in the palm trees. also he would shoot those big floating mines (shaped like wrecking balls with spikes on em) to get rid of them. he said that was the loudest explosion or sound he's ever heard. he is now almost completely deaf but still kickin like a chicken.
  12. let me know as i am well on my way to joining the bald community. what are you doing?
  13. http://www.wimp.com/emergencylanding/
  14. some of it does look fake but that kick towards the end when he gotta running start was very real, and looked very painful. so was that last punch. notice the Arsenal match on the tv
  15. didn't Carl Sagan say that? or was it Jodie Foster
  16. yeah. but when he breaks out the tray, its funny. when dude ducks and other dude misses and falls out the ring, thats funny. :
  17. i know, you're so popular
  18. let me know how the durability compares to zoom. saw a huge bag of their brush hog equivalent for cheap cheap at academy.
  19. waka waka!
  20. ha. they need to make a movie out of The Coming of Tan.
  21. yeah it's just fun to discuss Nate, as long as it doesn't erupt into a belligerent argument, I'd say it's a decent thread. i have accepted the fact that there is no way to prove or disprove life on other planets. and yes it doesn't have to be an intelligent life,could be the single cell organism dividing himself across a puddle of goo. however, truth is supported by evidence. most adult people don't believe in bigfoot, why? many manifestations of the bigfoot can be traced back to somebody trying to trick someone.Well, many manifestations of the aliens can be traced back to somebody trying to trick someone. bigfoot is never available for an interview. aliens are never available for an interview. ;D oh and yeah, never forget Art Bell
  22. just saying no quoting cause clarys thread got shut down because of over quoting. i wasn't completely serious. and yeah there might be other planets with similar distances but there maybe one tiny variable missing in the equation to provide a suitable environment, thus, no life. So where are all the alien spacecraft? If they were visiting us in the numbers purported, there would be dozens no, thousands - of convincing videos capturing the buggers. Instead, all we get are the same old grainy specks that we had since the 1960s. SETI programs have been scanning the sky for two generations and accumulating an enormous amount of electromagnetic data. In all those years, not one single thread of intelligent data has ever been discovered. And this is with looking many light years across space at any given time and direction. The possibility that the heavens could be so silent while aliens are flying around right *here* at our planet, is inconsiderable. It would be like taking a blind person out and telling him he is standing on a sidewalk in the middle of Manhattan on a busy Monday morning when he hears nothing but the breeze blowing past his ears. "Where's all the noise?" he would want to know. Standing somewhere and hearing only the breeze is a pretty darned good indicator that you are NOT surrounded by thousands of cars and pedestrians.
  23. what happened in our solar system is nothing short of a mathematical miracle. everything in the sky is sitting just perfect enough to harbor carbon based life forms on earth. for instance, if the sun were any closer to the earth or further from it, life couldn't be. same with the moon and its position/relationship to the earth. same with the earths position in the solar system and all the gasses present. also the perfect amount of rotation/precession on the earth producing the perfect amount of gravity ideal for human existence. for ALL of this to happen somewhere else in the EXACT same way, is a one in infinity chance. human life is the most precious thing that is because of this. BASS--clary, how far are you from Norfolk navel base? otherwise, there are 27 military bases in Virginia. Also, no quoting in this thread.
  24. i hate flying as well. this is the thing. people always talk about statistics this and that. thing is with that, if something goes wrong in a car, you can survive an accident. something goes wrong with a plane, its over. my first flight ever I was waiting on my departure and asked a random pilot when the last time a plane just up and fell out of the sky, and he said shortly after 911, a planes tail fell off and all the passengers fell to their death. yes in the US. ??? its like playing russian roulette, the odds are in your favor, but the possibility still exists. airplanes are nothing but controlled explosions.
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