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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. Rhino, if you like lemonade, try using fresh squeezed lemons, your simple syrup, club soda instead of water, (gives it a nice kick) and a tiny pinch of salt. A Vietnamese woman showed me this and its an amazing effervescent alternative
  2. good Lord those are some beautiful, dark, Florida bass
  3. g man pours a mean fluke. very soft too.
  4. im gonna say three and a half
  5. no doubt. drill baby drill ;D
  6. another fan of the french press. purest way to drink coffee. for me, anything south american will do
  7. yep. i've gotten to where i fish with my right hand in my pocket till i get a bite or to recast. with one hand, i sweep or hop it with the rod while my birdie finger reels in the slack by the drag star
  8. castability. i was throwing a 1/4 texas rig with 55lb braid into 15-20 mile an hour winds sunday, 25-30 yards with an STX, which i appreciate
  9. they do taste pretty good
  10. by other plastics, do you mean other rigging styles?
  11. if its too cold i can't move my fingers, and i lose the dexterity required to change lures or handle my reels properly. i think the worse is when it's upper 90's even 100's with no wind. cant tolerate that. if its that hot with even a slight breeze, its possible
  12. if its too cold i can't move my fingers, and i lose the dexterity required to change lures or handle my reels properly. i think the worse is when it's upper 90's even 100's with no wind. cant tolerate that. if its that hot with even a slight breeze, its possible
  13. if its too cold i can't move my fingers, and i lose the dexterity required to change lures or handle my reels properly. i think the worse is when it's upper 90's even 100's with no wind. cant tolerate that. if its that hot with even a slight breeze, its possible
  14. thats a good 6 or possibly even 7 pound bass man, which does not suck dude. :-/
  15. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/seasonal-fishing-articles.html#winter
  16. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/seasonal-fishing-articles.html#winter
  17. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/seasonal-fishing-articles.html#winter
  18. or the 5th of Patty consumed after losing him
  19. eat your heart out johnny knoxville
  20. this is a big deal now, where folks steal clothes or whatever else and sell them on the street for half price. i've heard of some folks getting uber rich doing this. i don't know who would buy hot clothes from these women given the goods probably smell like rank cheese. "you spent $200 on a tip calculator?!?!"
  21. i need a frakin SI sonar :-[
  22. i need a frakin SI sonar :-[
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