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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. good lord those are realistic. i *** your skill
  2. ^^what he said^^ i think its up to 450 mil now, after taxes. with that amount i can't begin to tell you what all i would do. lifetime pass at Richmond Mill?
  3. bout 4 and a half. Okacheebee Craw. Francho i saw that one cypress tree and knew right away that was richmond mill. You lucky dog you. What color craw is that?
  4. i pound my chest like a caveman and stand over my catch with one foot on its chest when i catch a good one.
  5. what are the actions of the rods you have? i'd go with a medium heavy rod. fast action. if you choose to throw them on braid, loosen your drag some cause that crap don't stretch. if you use your mono, tighten your drag down a bit cause that crap stretches. go get em
  6. it is not necessary to change the hooks on these cranks. you will love that crankbait
  7. cant stand it when my buddy makes the first few casts of the day and when he doesn't get bit, "wonders" why they're not biting, before even trying another spot or lure. or if he only catches 10 fish in an 8 hour day he's like, "why'd i take off of work again?"...instead of just enjoying himself and his time off.
  8. i do well with zoom tabtails and money minnows. a lot of times i'll take the SB skirt off entirely and just fish it with the plastic. AWESOME application for dirty, pressured water. i like a-jay's suggestion as well
  9. if you watch your line, you can tell when they are about to jump. it's difficult to explain but when i see this, i go from a side to side, sweeping, controlling motion (according to the direction the fish is swimming) to raising my rod tip up, often times raising my whole rod above my head with one hand, similar to how fly-fishermen fight fish. This helps me keep the line tight while the fish is jumping. if you really want to keep them from jumping, when you see your line coming up, try and time it, so that you sweep your rod hard to the side, pulling the fish towards you in the same instant she jumps.
  10. i like how woody allen wasn't even present to accept his award. i'd be embarrassed to accept an award for a movie as cheezy as A Midnight in Paris too.
  11. people who consider miles davis or charles mingus' music to be 'elevator music'
  12. 1-Strike King Perfect Plastics Game Hawg in bama bug 2-Zoom Magnum finesse in pumpkin 3-Robo Zipper Shakin' in Oxblood
  13. those are sweet. would this be considered "matching the hatch" if i were fishing in Papua new guinea?
  14. it was 77 degrees last thurs, 25-30 mph winds. had to stand on the bank with my feet spread apart so i wouldnt blow over. stood in one spot for a whole hour catching bass after bass casting to the same spot every time. it was the back of a pocket and was also windblown. best day of the year so far. first 6 casts i had 4 fish. i'd imagine a spinnerbait would do fine but i like lipless cranks cause they cast well in high winds. the wind is your friend.
  15. that's two old farts MIA. he and Catt. we know Catt is fine. hope the same for GreyWolf
  16. wow. i thought i was a freak shining my spinnerbait blades with toothpaste, but Nitro blow dries his hair jigs' hair.....now that's passion.
  17. i have had awesome days with a buckeye su-spin with swimming senkos. was more of a straight, spinnerbait retrieve...i dig the yo-yoing tip though that's great, thanks bud
  18. J, i've watched enough steven segal movies to pull it off
  19. i'm going to dress in all black, wear night vision, and sneak into Richmond Mill with an A rig
  20. i think the blue man group should team up with that group stomp, and get them to perform a show written by the choreographers that did all that stuff for the opening show for the last olympic games in China
  21. nick saban and cooked apples
  22. ever watch Uncle steve on you tube? he fishes with ugly sticks and zebco 202's and even when he catches an eight inch bass, he's on top of the world. it all depends on the meaning you choose to give it. if you tell yourself the fulfillment youre looking for is in 10 pound fish only well guess what, more than likely you won't fill the void. i know it sounds like a sell out answer, but i just cherish escaping the world and its rat races from time to time to be in the wilderness...catching fish just makes it that much better. i like this thread
  23. chuck norris has a gmail account its gmail@chucknorris.com
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