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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. or tell them specifically what you want on your list. But then that wouldn't work cause who here is gonna put something on their list that our friends and family would care to pay for ;D
  2. or tell them specifically what you want on your list. But then that wouldn't work cause who here is gonna put something on their list that our friends and family would care to pay for ;D
  3. or tell them specifically what you want on your list. But then that wouldn't work cause who here is gonna put something on their list that our friends and family would care to pay for ;D
  4. i'm thankful i fish in stained mudholes exclusively.
  5. i'm thankful i fish in stained mudholes exclusively.
  6. i'm thankful i fish in stained mudholes exclusively.
  7. I've been eating dukes my whole life. I guess there can't be too many differences. there's something about dukes though that is spot on. you can't eat that spicy mayonnaise with everything. if I need that, I just stir in some Chalula
  8. :-/
  9. hey nice_bass, nice bass
  10. hmm..
  11. link on the prop jig vid?
  12. link on the prop jig vid?
  13. link on the prop jig vid?
  14. wouldn't be fair to have an old farts club and know i couldn't go there for solid, sound advice as opposed to a bunch of opinions
  15. that was this guys business. he invented cards and wallet slippers that block this kinda crap. wish i'da come up with that.
  16. JERRY: Hey! Did you get the Volvo? GEORGE: No, I decided to go with an '89 LeBaron. ELAINE: A LeBaron? JERRY: I thought Consumer said Volvo was the car. GEORGE: What Consumer? I'm the consumer. JERRY: Alright. Seems like...a strange choice. GEORGE: Well, maybe so...but it was good enough for Mr. Jon Voight. ELAINE: Jon Voight? The actor? GEORGE (boasting): That's right. He just happened to be the previous owner of the vehicle. JERRY: You bought a car because it belonged to Jon Voight? GEORGE (defensive): No, no... JERRY: I think yes, yes. You like the idea of telling people you're driving Jon Voight's car. GEORGE: Alright, maybe I do. So what. New scene - Jerry and George walking down the street toward George's new car. GEORGE: You are gonna love this car. Even if you don't like Jon Voight. JERRY: I like Jon Voight. Just seems like kind've a strange reason to buy a car, because he might have driven it. GEORGE: What do you mean "might"? You don't think he really owned this car? JERRY: I don't know. GEORGE: Well, why would the guy make up something like that? Of all the names he could pick, why settle on Jon Voight? JERRY: Don't you see, that's the genius of it. If he had said Liam Neeson, you'd know he's making it up. GEORGE: Neeson? How are you comparing Liam Neeson with Jon Voight? Jerry, we're talking about Joe Buck. If you can play Joe Buck, Oskar Schindler's a cake walk. <Opens the car door for Jerry, Jerry's about to get in.> JERRY: Oh, look at this, I stepped in gum. GEORGE: Whoa, whoa, you're not getting in my car with gummy shoes. JERRY (shuts the car door): Alright, I'll change my shoes. <Heads back to his apartment. George follows.> GEORGE (unimpressed): Liam Neeson. You know, he's not American.
  17. look at the locations those dudes are at, man...bass fishing heaven!! literally some of the most beautiful fishing spots i've seen
  18. look at the locations those dudes are at, man...bass fishing heaven!! literally some of the most beautiful fishing spots i've seen
  19. look at the locations those dudes are at, man...bass fishing heaven!! literally some of the most beautiful fishing spots i've seen
  20. this is genuine innovation. some sexy swimbaits man you make man
  21. that would peak my road rage, folks goin 30mph on the interstate
  22. look at the motorola quantico. large screen (but still a flip phone), water resistant, and tough as nails. very basic
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