JERRY: Hey! Did you get the Volvo?
GEORGE: No, I decided to go with an '89 LeBaron.
ELAINE: A LeBaron?
JERRY: I thought Consumer said Volvo was the car.
GEORGE: What Consumer? I'm the consumer.
JERRY: Alright. Seems like...a strange choice.
GEORGE: Well, maybe so...but it was good enough for Mr. Jon Voight.
ELAINE: Jon Voight? The actor?
GEORGE (boasting): That's right. He just happened to be the previous owner of the vehicle.
JERRY: You bought a car because it belonged to Jon Voight?
GEORGE (defensive): No, no...
JERRY: I think yes, yes. You like the idea of telling people you're driving Jon Voight's car.
GEORGE: Alright, maybe I do. So what.
New scene - Jerry and George walking down the street toward George's new car.
GEORGE: You are gonna love this car. Even if you don't like Jon Voight.
JERRY: I like Jon Voight. Just seems like kind've a strange reason to buy a car, because he might have driven it.
GEORGE: What do you mean "might"? You don't think he really owned this car?
JERRY: I don't know.
GEORGE: Well, why would the guy make up something like that? Of all the names he could pick, why settle on Jon Voight?
JERRY: Don't you see, that's the genius of it. If he had said Liam Neeson, you'd know he's making it up.
GEORGE: Neeson? How are you comparing Liam Neeson with Jon Voight? Jerry, we're talking about Joe Buck. If you can play Joe Buck, Oskar Schindler's a cake walk. <Opens the car door for Jerry, Jerry's about to get in.>
JERRY: Oh, look at this, I stepped in gum.
GEORGE: Whoa, whoa, you're not getting in my car with gummy shoes.
JERRY (shuts the car door): Alright, I'll change my shoes. <Heads back to his apartment. George follows.>
GEORGE (unimpressed): Liam Neeson. You know, he's not American.