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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. I think that given the low energy budget/metabolism of winter bass, baits big or small don't matter as long as they're fished slow. I understand bass can be frisky on a 3-4 day warming trend and bite faster moving baits but if it's been steadily cold, keeping that "meal" in the strike zone for as long as I can stand is what works for me. as far as the bass is concerned, if it's an easy meal, then the bigger the better right?
  2. yeah the trends are silly. the most powerful marketing or angling advice is word of mouth from a close friend or relative, i.e. someone you trust dearly who isn't trying to sell something. ;D I think it'd be a great marketing ploy to pay small, but decent amounts of money to folks who send in videos of them catching fish on that companies lure. then use the videos as sales tactics somehow.
  3. did you mean your "new favorite crappy noises"?
  4. big ole lizard or... fluke on a shakey head
  5. not fair at all. all we got was ice coated everything but the roads, which remained safe for travel. nothing was canceled. :
  6. Catt's a bass catchin beast as well even though i've never seen pics.
  7. you still didnt get enough brushhogs
  8. i dig this The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope. ~John Buchan
  9. wheres art bell when you need him
  10. this guys voice is amazing. so is his story. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/homeless_man_with_golden_radio_voice_91PQ3yMBa58vOf1n4MuToJ
  11. you cant keep it a secret. people you havent heard from in years would be calling saying, "hey there ole' buddy ole' pal, been wondering what you've been up to!" I'd pay Palin to drop out of the presidential candidacy
  12. You lucky dog. those sure are fun to catch.
  13. aw man i just noticed that. "gettin with the times" fail.
  14. I've played ps3 online for about two years now and very rarely have issues. I even play MAG which is pretty much flawless. exclusively an online game. up to 250 players in one match sometimes and its seamless.
  15. from peepers website: Dense, hand picked balsa is cut, drilled, multi-coat sealed, multi-coat primed, then painted. Rear hook hanger is screwed into a hardwood dowel which has been inserted in the tail. Belly weight/ hook hanger and Lexan bill are glued in with an incredibly strong glue. We pulled large chunks of balsa out while trying to pull the bill out of a bait. Just to see if we could. Pull point is drilled and inserted through the bill. They are all in the same position and they will not move unless you move them. Stainless hardware will not rust or corrode. All baits are finished with an epoxy gel coat, not a thin lacquer or acrylic.All WEC baits stocked currently are hand-initialed on the bill by Mr. Ed Chambers himself. Can you say "collector's items"?
  16. that's a fat fish for a young'un! Congrats buddy. I've seen deer swim in a pair like that swimming from a couple o dogs that were chasin them.
  17. Lynyrd, absolutely all the silt and mud that was stirred up by recent wind and rain filters the sunlight and effects the bass's pigment. I've caught some pale bass before that literally looked albino
  18. gotta love that. now only 1999 bass to go to beat last years record! ;D
  19. thats a good feelin. nice fishin
  20. Got out yesterday to try my luck with the pre frontal conditions and, wow. nothing like my previous trip. caught 7 fish, and only one weighed less than 3. the water was like chocolate milk and i couldn't see my lure 6 inches under the surface so i tied on the biggest, darkest lure i had, and had a hay day. with the temps now in the upper 60's, bass moved shallow, holding tight to cover, feeding like mad. anyone have any idea what the name of this matted grass is? i think they were finding warmth under that stuff. biggest was 6.7
  21. oh. dont roll your eyes at me city slicker
  22. yeah i went shopping for em last night at BPS and didnt see them. gonna holler at TW.
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