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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. Culprit?
  2. nope, thats not it nemesis
  3. what a dumb *** topic for a news report. "Mom probably should cancel his account. If Xbox Live is his "only friend," she needs to get the kid much more involved in the community, activities, sports, and outreach programs. Stop using his disability to seclude him from the world and instead concetrate on improving his abilites--sonething that will NEVER happen isolated behind a TV/computer screen."
  4. but not too long, they start tasting like cardboard paste
  5. couldnt have picked music any more appropriate
  6. Chartreuse w/ black back White also another fan of the rootbeer
  7. whatever this is called....anybody know? its long and tubelike as you can see hanging out the bass's mouth in my avy.and also love fishing lily pads.
  8. oh my god man thats a gem
  9. didnt pugs originate in China? in that case you may wanna name him Abu.oh, and nice pup
  10. what did one bass fisherman say to another bass fisherman during the peak of winter? Yet another ridiculously bad joke. :-X
  11. Ribbit, overcast, lily pads
  12. never seen a bass with lips that black. awesome story man. i just saw that episode recently as well and somehow managed to shrug the monkey off my shoulders that day.
  13. it would be "would you take me fishing?"
  14. but isn't tequila sunrise black and dark red?
  15. could be pulled by a tractor to aerate dirt
  16. we miss you Jack!
  17. how sexy is the carbon fiber body
  18. maybe one that was bleeding. wonder where they got tequila sunrise?
  19. let me guess.... you're posting from your phone? and who cares if people wanna collect fishing gear, we live in a free country.
  20. looks like a huddle bug! I played in ditches and creeks my whole life growing up here and i never saw a crayfish in my state that wasn't a deep red color with some black on it, but I've thrown jigs and craw worms of all colors (mostly black and blue and other shades of earth tones) with great success. I'm with Raul though, it's all about matching behavior. Now that doesn't mean I'm gonna go out and start throwing turquoise/pink jigs and craws.
  21. whatever technique i'm doing when i'm not catching anything
  22. seriously. hopefully 6 years has been enough time to figure out how to get bass outta those weeds. bet that backwaters dried up by now ;D
  23. that hogs gotta belly on her. way to go
  24. nice man. now all you need is a fryer, some tater tots and beer
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