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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. eat, eat, and more eat. that place has the greatest food. also you'd enjoy the Audubon aquarium. really cool place.
  2. the lure swap is as close as youre gonna get
  3. LM-18.2 lbs.@Natchez state park lake SM-7.15 lbs.@Pickwick Lake
  4. no doubt, they dont make em like they used to.
  5. these are the best :
  6. nah i wish, actually preordered it from a local bakery, supposed to be pretty good though. po boy bread? was just gonna grab some chips for the dip but that sounds kinda good too. Reisings in new orleans makes wonderful bread
  7. king cake and this http://www.esquire.com/the-side/feature/tequila-cream-cheese-recipe-012311#fbIndex1
  8. that wasnt a genuine apology. there's no eye rolling during apologies
  9. contact strike king about it they'll replace it plus some
  10. those winter, florida bass have tans :'( *rocking back and forth in the corner with knees to chest* come on spring
  11. Suggestions on presentation and retrieval methods for every type of bait. I like hanging out in the fishing trip threads reading and asking about what they were doing when they got bit. Really the best advice comes from the bass itself, but there's some solid research here. The OFC have been great mentors.
  12. dont have an academy nearby? BPS?
  13. i gave my weighted ones away and started buying them non-weighted and rigging them on a shakey head with great success
  14. woke up this morning to 34 degrees outside and raining, yet class, and work everywhere is closed. seriously? it iced for a second early last night but melted instantly when the warm gulf rain melted everything. yanks must think we're a bunch of babies. oh well, i'll take it. Sittin at home organizing some tackle with some kahlua coffee. come on spring.
  15. actresses-Annette Bening, Francis Mcdormand. actors-Steve Buscemi, Dennis Hopper
  16. yeah those are spot on. dead accurate. mine fell out of my tacklebox while jogging to a spot in the rain and didnt find it till a few days later ...s till workin
  17. gosh that weather looks so prime. well done!
  18. i think he's asking between Kentucky lake and pickwick. not sure there's a definitive answer to that.
  19. nice Goose, wouldn't have thought to throw a spinnerbait. thats a chunk!
  20. Dwight, if I were you, but on my deathbed, i'd be content with passing ;D
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOyu5x7QCMU&playnext=1&list=PLEFFA2155BD3DC20E
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