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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. if i had it my way i'd choose to live in a world where people were brutally honest. no bush beaten. no candy coatin, just, "hey man, no offense but your breath smells like toe cheese stirred into some frat kids bm after a night of old english, wild turkey and krystal burgers." "oh ok thanks man, i'll go brush my teeth/buy some tic tacs".
  2. thats amazing. 50-60 years old. this will be mounted and displayed at a museum within walking distance of my house!
  3. he wants to sue for getting canceled. The member has no idea that that is what happens at a normal job, you get fired for being on drugs, or not showing up.
  4. i do very well with that rig without a skirt. similar to Crestliners rig but with double willows. especially in murky waters. i do agree however they catch fish both ways. good bait for high pressured waters
  5. i thought so too until someone pointed out that if a reputable member posts "x2", then you know more than likely it is good advice. i guess we could have it to where you could click and see who thumbed up your comment. unless it was a thumbs down, which would be anonymous
  6. actually had no idea. makes sense though. oxygen feeding the fire from every angle burns the wood faster. my new place has a fireplace and i didnt even get a chance to master my own fire there. at least im catchin fish!! sorry that was cold
  7. He's hurting his kids and supporting some punk ars drug dealer by buying his product. He is a straight up crack head who has little to no hope ever recovering. he also has two porn stars helping him raise the kids. may not be physically hurting them but....
  8. dang dude i hear the stripers are hitting here too. hell of a fish bud
  9. i havent seen him in anything since men at work
  10. unless that trailer hook has a weed guard then naw
  11. this guy has a pretty good idea
  12. swim some lipless cranks then some big lizards once you narrow down their location
  13. I did have something positive for you: advice. I'm not trying to be a jerk, really. If you have a problem with a product, the best way to handle it is to contact the manufacturer. They're the only ones who can solve the problem. We can all tell you stories about the quality of paint on different lures, but in the end, what does that accomplish? I understand man and I apologize for being so defensive, but this is the fishing tackle forums, that's what we do here we discuss fishing tackle therefore I think it's ligit getting feedback from 1 another about certain things. now I know I was just being a baby about it because you guys are right, this is a reactionary lure so in the end, the finish is next to unimportant
  14. Before I lost it I caught about 50 bass on the exact same lure as you without it looking that beat up. Can I ask what the primary forage of the bass is in your lakes? It looks like they don't spend a lot of time with crayfish in their mouths if they can scratch up a bait that bad on 9 fish. I see :-/ you also replace your trebles =). in this particular lake there are tons of crawfish and bait fish actually. the shad swim around in huge clouds. my top producing luhrs are crawfish worms and lipless cranks
  15. Franco that may be my next lipless. that many bass and still lookin decent!
  16. I know, kidding with you, but when you live in red sox country, being called a yank is sickening. i hear ya, i'll try and remember that
  17. i'm not griping dude relax. move on to the next thread unless you got something positive for me.i was just wondering if it was normal, and what your experiences were , if any, with yozuri's customer service.
  18. aw come on, it's in a joking fashion. feel free to call me a red neck anytime. ok guys i knew it could be just me being a brat. i appreciate the input.
  19. and you could be right RW, i could go on to catch another 100 bass on that same plug.then again i rely on lieutenant shiny sides in my dirty waters, i really think that chrome flash is key when the water is that muddy
  20. These are pics i took of my rattlin' vibe after 2 days of fishing. This is what they looked like after 9 bass. i put it next to one that was unused. But seriously? These cranks are $8 a piece and the eyes fell off after 2 fish. No exaggeration, after catching 2 fish....both eyes....gone. And after 9, the finish is ruined. This is more like the quality of a no name lure that people buy cause they go fishing for one day out of their lives. Yozuri should go out of their way to show their customers that they're not the kind of company that just slaps a name on a piece of junk and trusts it to sell. i fish in mud holes in mississippi so its not like i'm bangin em off rocks like you yanks. Thoughts?
  21. this is so very true. also these people who tell you to wait to feel the fish before you set the hook, are gonna cost you some fish. set the hook nice and stout as soon as you know the bass didnt swing and miss. dont give em time to identify what they've just eaten.
  22. those pop maxs are sexy but i dont think they catch more bass. i've done exceptionally well with my plain ole rebel. maybe its cause i fish murky water exclusively and their just stalking the sound its making rather than studying it for a second before hittin it
  23. i hope you fried up that crappie, that ones perfect eatin size. nice bass also
  24. I'm just saying another side to it, regardless of if it's just having fun, someone needs to play the other side. Like someone else said, everyone has their opinions, I'm saying mine. several members earlier in this thread admitted to buying into it every now and again. it's all just banter bud. i 'm thankful for a bass fishing industry
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