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Everything posted by brushhoggin

  1. amazing fish chris, but it looks like you missed the "remember to wear sunscreen thread"
  2. i'm the same way, whenever i'm out fishing, i always think to myself, "i wish the boys at BR coulda seen that, they'd be proud", or, "man, Catt was right about this grass jig" or "holy crap RW nailed it with his line review, this stuff works!" i can't wait to make it to a roadtrip to finally meet some o' you rascals
  3. it's happened to me twice. yeah the only thing that keeps that itching torture away is to stand in the shower with the water on your back till it stops. for me it was like 2 hours each time. it's more like a stinging sensation than an itch. it....SUCKS. i called 911 one time it was so bad lol. i didn't know what it was. i truely believed i needed immediate medical attention. she told me to go to CVS and get some aloe which did nothing. i now lather up with bullfrog way before i get out in the sun as well as wear these.... http://www.columbia.com/Men’s-Airgill™-Woven-Long-Sleeve-Shirt/FM7288,default,pd.html
  4. lately i've been catching em on every cast with a 1/32 oz beetle spin. i used to only use live worms or grubs but this way is so much more fun!
  5. offset wide gap hooks really help in keeping it from snagging. also when you feel a pad stem or whatever it is youre snagging, pull it gently to pull it past the stem, more pressure only increases your chance of bringing the hook out of the plastic and hooking the vegetation. as for not getting hung with a carolina rig, i'd imagine a big weight on a carolina rig would clear the path for the bait on the way back to the boat. and the jig, well, they don't call it weedguard for nothing
  6. i feel for ya man. i also agree that the smartphone is the way to go
  7. At least you're not an english teacher
  8. dang dude i hope you catch fish
  9. curious to see what that looks like. got any pics?
  10. game hawg, buzzbait, beetle spin
  11. aw man. cell phone answering machine systems, the automated ones, not the ones we record. they go on and on about "to record a message do so after the beep" (as if humans don't know how to leave messages yet )....then on and on with other options when all i wanna do is leave a bloody message! THEN, they proceed to tell you to press 5 for more options, but then after they say that, they start giving you more options!?!? Also, when I eat out and order a sandwich, they bring it to me with the meat all balled up on one side of the sandwich instead of evenly distributing it. that REALLY grinds my gears. and people who come up to a redlight in the right lane but don't need to take a right therefore frustrating all the people behind them who are actually trying to take a right on red. lastly, what the hell are "natural flavors" listed in ingredients lists on food products?? also, OHIO, it depends on the individual hipster. if they are poser hipsters then yes, if they are authentic hipsters, then that is acceptable. for example, Jack Kerouac rules. or did rule.
  12. nice man. that second pic is a great shot. beautiful fish
  13. gotta love it. somebodys gotta catch em. i went out for about 3 hours this morning with only one bass right at 5 pounds and lost my personal best to an awkward hookset so nice job
  14. Dwight, you're a master man. thats one bad chunk!
  15. ok it definitely makes sense. For example here's a quote from a website talking about a Loomis frog rod. "Fast Taper. The ultimate heavy-cover, brute of a frog rod. Oversized guides provide excellent castability with heavy line. Delivers the power to pull big bass out of the thick stuff." am i not interpreting this correctly?
  16. thanks . i just thought heavy line would require more room to move about on a cast. It'll be for heavy pad fishing if thats what you mean by application.
  17. not really, who has Dobyns for sale? i'd get a saavy but they dont offer a split grip
  18. access accepted. just got the last one.
  19. this is my intent as well. Just for shopping online in general for gear for future purposes
  20. They say castability and accuracy improve with micro guides but what about when I'm using heavy line like 55 80 lb test? I'd imagine the heavier the line, the bigger the guides. I've been curious about micro guides and will be in the market soon for a frog rod. Any thoughts would be appreciated
  21. rotary phones??? it took so long once you turned a number, before you could turn it again. if there were a bunch of 7's, 8's, and 9's in a phone number, you were screwed.
  22. cool read man, appreciated
  23. seem like great grass plastics. maybe it wasn't the day to use them. they have their place somewhere. yu dont have to have intense action on everything, sometimes that subtlety is what gets you bit. i'd throw em on a calm day around weeds and mats. they'll eat those things man i promise. never heard of em before though, thanks for the heads up.
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