That place is a freakin mudhole thats been sprayed to oblivion. Not to mention theres a tournament on it every freaking weekend so it just ends up being a *h*issing match between them and the pleasure boaters. i still manage to fish it a few times a month though, because i am insane. The "best" places usually are up river above highway 43 and pelahatchie bay. right now, before sunrise we have just been bank fishing on the main river since the current is next to nothing, and riding around looking for shad action. As the day progresses/sun comes out, we look for pads (whats left of them) next to deep water. I will admit...its a tough hole. Huge body of water and it's tough narrowing down location. People fish the rocks by the cause ways successfully and if we can get a few days of rain, stripers will bite at the spillway. There are huge stripers in the rez. PM me if you wanna chat about it more. i'd be going to calling panther right now if i were you. good to have you here!